Christmas SPECIAL 🎄

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This special is part of the storyline. It is based on the future so... ENJOY!

Merry Christmas!


He was by the window again, waiting for the white snowflakes to finally drop.

But there was no sign of snow.

It was almost 20 degrees outside, and his hands were colder than usual as he leaned against the glass window. It was Christmas Eve, and there was still no snow.

"Buster, don't chew on the ornaments!"

He took his attention away from the backyard and raised a brow, curious of the panicked yells. He saw Jongin running around trying to catch the big dog with a bear suit. Jongdae was screaming, slightly scared of the growling animal as he held the ornaments above the table with a worried smile. Just as the puppy was about to bark, his owner called for him.


His voice was calm, and the chaos around him didn't faze him. He had hot chocolate in a kitty mug in one hand while the other held his phone. The german shepherd immediately ran to his side with his ears up in alert. He gave the dog a new chewing toy and nodded when he saw the keen ears and tongue. The puppy ran to the tree and played with his new toy without bothering the rest, who tried to get dinner ready.

They stared at the smaller in shock. He handled issues so efficiently; it was shocking to see, especially in unexpected situations.

"Does he only listen to you?"

"I am his dad. But he also listens to my hyungs, and at times Chanyeol too."

He pointed at the puppy and smiled.

"He's technically the baby. Mongryong is older than him by a few months."

They all turned to the two dogs at the corner. Buster was chewing on his toy, jumping around while the corgi lay beside him with tired eyes. Baekhyun smiled at his two babies before focusing on the table. The plates and utensils were already in place. Chatter and plates clacking could be heard from his position, so he assumed Kyungsoo and Heechul were still cooking. He turned to his peers in the living room and looked down at the hot chocolate in the mug.

"Have you guys seen Chan?" The pranksters shook their heads after looking around. Baekhyun hummed a bit curious, but he walked to the staircase either way. "Watch the dogs. Make sure they don't eat the presents." That phrase alone put them on alert. He chuckled to himself as he made his way to Estelle's room. He knocked on her door, smiling at the familiar sticker.

The crossed-out cucumber.

"Elle. Are you done? Dinner is almost ready, and I have your hot chocolate."

"I am all done!"

He could hear her slightly struggling with the doorknob, but she eventually opened the door. He smiled at the sight, giggling when she did a confident spin. Her hair was in a ponytail, and she was wearing a puffy red dress with a black bow in the middle. It matched the headband she was wearing, and it was absolutely adorable. Baekhyun laughed and picked her up once she did her famous grabby hands. He passed her the hot chocolate and told her to be careful with the slightly heavy cup while he talked to the others in the room. Elizabeth was still taking pictures with an excited grin while Aella tried to polish the toddler's shoes quickly.

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