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Working individuals surrounded the company. Chatting amongst themselves as they talked about the new information gathered about the latest deals. The company was working exceptionally well, which was expected judging by who their leader was. The drug and weapon income had doubled in size, which brought immense wealth to the gang. The teamwork had also improved for the past two years...

The chatter that filled every room had suddenly died down. The cheerful vibe became dark as everyone began to work professionally once again. The man with white hair had walked inside the room. His black mask was still covering half of his face. You would think that determining the male's mood would be difficult since you can't see his whole face. But even with just his eyes in view... everyone around knew when the white-haired male was thrilled or irritated. The blue orbs that held such a cold feeling had the power to shut the whole room in an instant.

The man ignored the whispering and continued to make his way to his designated office. The room was not decorated as every other station. When the mysterious male had welcomed himself to the company, he had left all the interior design in its own order. He never once took it upon himself to decorate the room or make it "home-like." He knew the foreign place would never represent his actual home, so he never bothered to do such a childish act.

But... he did add one thing.

A photo frame on top of his desk.

A family picture.

He walked into the clean empty room. The man was slightly surprised that his workers were able to clear out his space that quickly. Before his morning departure, the room was initially filled with multiple boxes and signs. He had been leaving the country, so he didn't want a single trace of him to be left... although he had no idea if his movement was officially permanent. The man in black attire approached his desk that only carried his recent paperwork and his polished frame. He turned his head slightly, hearing the footsteps of a newcomer.

"Young master, all of the essential material and furniture has been transferred into the moving department." He only nodded at her words before returning his gaze to the picture in hand. He knew she wasn't a threat. She was trembling a bit too much to be considered dangerous. Even if she did try to harm him, the knife clutched around his wrist would stop her immediately.

"Your flight is set for tomorrow at 8 am. Boss will meet you at the landing location. Master had ordered a private plane for your departure." The woman looked at the man in worry. The plane was initially supposed to deviate in the afternoon, but the leading commander had suggested that leaving late would only make him arrive at midnight. Nonetheless, the white-haired male did not care when he left. He was prepared for all outcomes. He averted his focus to the assistant and gave her an okay sign.

"Rest well, young master." She bowed and exited the room. She was used to the silent ness the man exerted. He barely spoke and usually communicated with signals or with his eyes. But whenever he did speak... it made everyone wish he signed his words instead. His voice made them shiver more than the piercing blue eyes did. But what did they expect? He was the second in command, after all.

The white-haired male observed the clock hanging on the wall for a few seconds. He sighed and left the room slightly disappointed.

What a shame...

I will surely be tired tomorrow morning.


The plane shook as the landing zone had begun to approach. The quiet male awoke from his peaceful rest. He had comfortably slept since his main guards were the only individuals stationed in the plane with him. He had the opportunity to sleep without his mask and tight clothing. Instead, he wore a fluffy coat with his dark sweatpants. He usually dressed professionally whenever he went to work, but everyone knew how he looked either way. He only wore the mask when roaming town or going on a mission...

It was a safety precaution.

He stretched his stiff shoulders and released the seatbelt holding him in place. He zippered up his warm jacket, knowing the weather in Korea would be a bit chillier compared to the States.

"Young master."

He looked up at his personal guard holding a mask. He grabbed it without any questions since he knew that once he left the aircraft, he would be exposed to everyone. Although the area was a secret... you never know what could happen.

He exited the plane with his trustful men behind him. The sky was dark, with many stars spread out above. It was a beautiful sight, but the lingering feeling of jet lag had made the scenery go bitter. The young master looked around to search for his awaiting vehicle. It didn't take long for him to notice the two figures beside the car.

"Hurry up! It's cold, you know?!" He smiled at the remark and advanced towards the familiar pair. Within an instant, the white-haired male was engulfed in a strong hug. Sudden heat rushed through him as he took in the scent of green apple. The aroma he had longed for was finally in his hold. He felt the smell of dark rose fill his senses as well. He turned his head to see both males hugging him in adoration. His heart felt at ease. He missed the warm feeling in his stomach. The older among the three even had a few tears in his eyes as he observed his grown nephew.

"I missed you, Baek-"

"Who wouldn't miss me-"

"You stupid brat! Is that the first thing you say to your uncle?!" Laughter exerted from the relieved trio. Some things just never change, even when multiple years pass. The boy with white hair pulled his mask down to formally greet his older brother and uncle. A soft yet excited smile rested on his reddened lips.

"I'm home."


Hard to Love - (chanbaek)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang