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Whistles filled the quiet afternoon-cars driving to their location under the cloudy sky. The well-dressed man walked at a consistent pace, his sweet and charming cologne following the breeze. His eyes averted towards the Ramen place that held the sign "open." With a smirk, he adjusted his tie.

"Time to see my beloved Baekhyun."


Baekhyun handed the menu to the kind woman, his hands almost trembling from nervousness. His heart was banging against his chest, he was about to tell his friends the truth, but the question that ran inside his mind was... how does he even start? Like how does he bring it up?

Baekhyun stared down at his fiddling hands and took a deep breath.

I can do this.

I trust them.

Come on, Baek!

"Guys." The words finally left his tongue. His friends turned to look at him. They stared at him, waiting for Baek to continue his unfinished words. "Umm... I wanted to tell you guys something." Again Baekhyun looked down at his hands, terror, and fear pulsing through his nerves.

"What's up? Oh my gosh! Are you moving?" Jongdae blurted out in shock. His sudden words had made everyone panic. Baekhyun was the only one who froze in confusion since he himself did not mention anything about leaving.

"You're moving?!" Xiumin yelled after almost choking on his glass of water.

"Why didn't you tell us?! Oh my Goshhhh!" Luhan was shaking, his mind thinking of ways to keep Baekhyun in town. Everyone became anxious. One of their close friends leaving was a big red alert. Chanyeol sat there appalled; he turned to his boyfriend with a frightened stare.

"No, no. I'm not moving!" Baekhyun yelled, trying to catch everyone's attention. They released a relieved sigh, thanking the lords for listening to their prayers.

"Oh. Then what's the problem?" Jongdae scratched his neck awkwardly since he had caused the sudden hysteria.

"Umm... I-I..." Baekhyun felt a hand intertwine with his. He looked at Chanyeol; the giant held a soft, reassuring smile on his face. Baek took a deep breath and realized it was time. He had to tell his friends the truth. It was now or never.

"I-I have decided to be honest with you guys. I have been lying to you guys, and I want to apologize first. I'm sorry for not trusting you guys enough to tell you the truth about my personal life." Baekhyun got up and bowed in apology. His friends stared at him, shocked and confused. Some startled by the sudden formality and some bewildered by his words.

"You've been lying?" Jongdae gasped and then pointed a Baekhyun. Another crazy idea had formed in his loose brain.

"You're straight?!" Suho facepalmed and shook his head. He pulled the prankster back into his seat with a disappointed sigh.

"Let's listen to him and not assume anything. This is probably really important for him so let's hear him out." He turned to Baekhyun, giving him a nod to continue.

"Well... I told you guys my parents were business people. I said my parents never came to my games because they were always busy with work. But that isn't true. My parents aren't what I said they were. My mom is just at home and does the chores while my father... he... h-he passed away when I was really young." His eyes began to sting slightly. His friends felt a pang hit their hearts at the sudden confession. They felt pity but also guilt for letting their friend go through that pain alone.

Hard to Love - (chanbaek)Where stories live. Discover now