100th chapter SPECIAL

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This special is part of the storyline. It revolves around the time when Baekhyun/Achlys and Chanyeol were beginning to bicker. They had exchanged numbers, and this is just based on a late-night scare during this section of the story. I never thought this story would get this long or get this much attention, so I thank everyone who has read this story and those who have stayed through the whole journey! Thank you very much! I love all of you!

Enjoy :)


The room felt colder than usual.

Trembles ran through his body as he shut his eyes, fearing to see what would occur next. Cold sweats ran onto his pillow, his head shaking while low whines left his lips.

Chanyeol opened his eyes, and he was once again in the creepy forest. His hand nervously ran through his hair as he tried to sit up. He looked down at his attire and frowned upon seeing his high school uniform. His head lifted as he began to look around.

Why am I here again-


His head shot towards the voice, his eyes wide when he recognized who was shouting.

"Baekhyun..." His lips trembled when letting out the staggered name. He gulped down his worries and tried to follow the voice. As he walked into the forest, he could see it. He could see the honey hair he longed for. He could see the tidy uniform that fit the smaller perfectly. He could see Baekhyun again. His steps quickened as he got closer to the older boy. Chan raised his hands and tried to grab the boy, but...

He was too late.


He couldn't save the boy on time.

Baekhyun turned to him with tears in his eyes. His hands were covered in blood, and his lips formed a pained smile. Chanyeol could hear his own heart shatter at the sight. He took a step forward, and Baek followed by taking action back.


"You... you deserve someone better." Chanyeol could feel his eyes water. He shook his head in response and took another step toward the crying boy.

"I don't want anyone else... I want you!" Baekhyun suddenly stopped. His feet were at the edge of the cliff, and his face held no expression. He only smiled at the taller and mockingly extended his hand.

"Forget me." His body loosened, and he let himself fall into the deep waters below. Chanyeol ran towards the boy with worried features. Before he knew it, once he missed the smaller's hand, he just threw himself and followed Baek into the dark lake. The harsh slap stung his face. He opened his eyes and could barely see anything underneath. He tried to swim back up to the surface, but it felt like vines were holding him in place. Hands wrapped around his torso, and Baekhyuns face suddenly came to light. The water around them cleared, and the older had a smirk against his pretty face.

"Do you feel guilty?" Chanyeol turned his head and faced him with confusion.


"Do you blame yourself?" He turned his head to the other side, where the boy had now appeared. Baekhyun laid his head on his bloody palm. His eyes dull with no shine.

"Isn't it all your fault? I didn't run away because I wanted to... you made me run away. I left because of you." His harsh whisper made Chanyeol tense up. His breathing wobbled, and he turned to find Baekhyun, but...

The boy was no longer there.

He felt a sharp pain against his chest, and his lungs craved for air. His cheeks slightly puffed out as he tried to hold his breath for a longer time, his eyes still searching for the older. He couldn't handle it anymore. The pain was increasing, and his eyes were getting foggy. He didn't understand why this was happening. He didn't understand anything at all. Why was Baekhyun here? Where did he go, and why are they in the middle of a dark forest? All these thoughts rummaged through his mind as his sight faltered. He felt a massive wave of nausea and a headache appear just as his view turned dark.

And then it appeared.

A hand reached out, waiting for Chanyeol to grab onto it. The tall male didn't hesitate to hold the hand and escape the dark swirl inside the lake. He let out coughs filled with water and tried to see his savior but...

The only thing he saw was the familiar black mask and small spots of white hair. His vision turned black, and his nightmare had finally ended.

Chanyeol rushed up, his chest rising and falling at a rapid speed. He took in large breaths of air, his hands tightly holding onto the pillow beside him. His hands wrapped around the soft material, and he pulled the pillow closer. He hugged the miniature cloud and pressed his head onto the cool fabric. He inhaled and exhaled while trying to calm his breathing. His mind was all over the place, and his feelings could relate to those he had in his dream. He remembered everything so vividly. He could still feel the cold hand against his and the whispers that tingled his sharp ears. Everything felt so weird; that's what bothered him the most. What if it was real? What if he was all alone? What if someone else disappeared? He quickly grabbed his phone, and he blamed his bold actions on the adrenaline that was still kicking inside him. He clicked on the contact before pressing the phone icon. He pushed the phone against his ear, hearing it ring multiple times. Chan was about to put the phone down, but the ringing stopped, and a click was heard.

"It's 3 in the morning. What do you want?" Chanyeol smiled. It was sudden to hear the smaller speak, but he knew the older was only talking to him because of his hoarse voice. The taller wouldn't recognize him through his voice if he were sick at the moment. Chanyeol just leaned into the phone and let out a sigh.

"I just wanted to say I miss you." Baekhyun looked at his phone with tired eyes. He rubbed his face and pressed the phone against his ear with reddened cheeks.

"You called just to say that?"

"Maybe we can go out to eat?"

"Right now?"


Baekhyun stuffed his head into his pillow and groaned. His throat was killing him. But after all, it was his fault for forgetting his coat on a cold day. As much as he wanted to agree to the unexpected invitation, he was tired and extremely sick.

"Again, it's 3 in the morning."

"Time never stopped love-"

"Fuck off."

Chanyeol chuckled as the call ended. He fell back onto the bed with a relieved sigh. He hugged the pillow beside him and smiled.

"He's still there..."


Hard to Love - (chanbaek)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora