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"Boss, we have new reports on the suspicious gang. They go by the name of Bullets. Our spy has already gotten close to the boss, Yang Hyun-suk." Daesung tapped his chin.

"Yang Hyun-suk... hmm, does the mission commence today?" He asked while checking his files.

"Yes, sir, we have made sure to dress the two kids in their uniform and have already informed them of the plan." Daesung nodded.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Daehyun entered the room, slightly worried. Today was the start of the new mission, a job he was only supposed to be supervising.

"You still haven't introduced yourself to your little brother?" Daesung facepalmed.

"I-I'm just waiting for the right time, okay?" He nervously scratched his neck before checking the files on the desk.

"The scariest unknown mafia member of the Royals can't introduce himself to his brother because... he's nervous?" Daesung raised a brow as Daehyun continued to whine like a child.

"Okay, we get it. I'm scared! But is he going to be okay? He's a target now, well that's what the spy said..." Daehyun tapped his chin.

"Don't worry about him. He is safe. He will attend school with his new partner and will have security at all times. My men will patrol the building, and some will even be enrolled in the highschool." The younger nodded, but he still felt a bit skeptical.

"Can we trust this spy?" Daesung nodded.

"I can hear and see everything he does, so I'll know at any time if he betrays me. He is my second in command, and he is the main subject of this mission. This street gang Bullets obviously can't do their job correctly, they fell for his tricks, and he easily got accepted by the group and became a trustworthy man because of his sniping skills. He will never, and I mean never, go against me. One because he knows better and is close to becoming my underboss. Two...

Well, he's my son."


Chanyeol rang the same number once again.

Will you pick up! It's been a week, where are you?!

"This caller is unavailable at the moment. Please leave your message after the be-"

Sighing, Chanyeol grabbed his things and got ready for school.

"Maybe he'll show up...


"Yo Chanyeol!"

He turned to the two soccer players, slightly sweating after their quick field run. He waved at them with a small smile; he shouldn't look too upset in front of others. "What's up? How was Magical-Monday-Mornings?" They shivered at the question before shaking their heads in fear. Chanyeol laughed at the reaction. The baseball team also had those intensive morning practices, but they finally caught a break this senior year.

"I could imagine. Baek and I had to convince coach to stop the endurance training. We would show up to class all beat; it was horrible." They froze at the mention of Baekhyun, but the soccer pair mainly grimaced at the endurance comment. Being on a varsity team is not easy, especially if your coach is a crazy madman who only wants to win. Chanyeol turned to the pair with a worried stare. They were Baekhyuns childhood friends. Perhaps they knew something he didn't.

"Do you have any news on Baek?"

Chanyeol looked at them with hopeful eyes. He was waiting for a positive response, but it would most likely be another clueless answer. His faith shattered when he saw the evident frown on Tao's face. "No... I haven't gotten any news at all. It's like he completely disappeared." Xiumin ruffled his hair in hopes of cheering him up. The younger boy looked up with glittering eyes full of hope.

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