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Two years later.

California, Los Angeles
December 31st.
Saturday night.
11:45 PM

The night had fallen, a chilling feeling dragged by the wind. The weather was still warm, besides the winter season coming in. The nights were becoming chilly, but the mornings were still hot as ever with a slight breeze. Los Angeles was crowded during the night, especially near the famous clubs. People were excited for the new year. Only a few minutes were left until the count down began. Fantasía was a popular uprising club. It was loud with blasting music compared to the rest of the lonely street. A man walked towards the club, his black mask covering his nose and lips. His light blue eyes shined under the tall street lights. His pitch-black attire made him camouflage into the dark night. He glanced at the chattering line; people were outside waiting for the guards to let them inside the club. He walked to the front of the line and stared at the guards with his piercing eyes. The shift in mood was visible. The bouncers didn't have to ask for his ID because they immediately recognized him. But then again...

Who wouldn't recognize the symbol engraved in his black leather suit?

The signature crown with the letter B placed in the middle.

The guards moved aside, allowing the man to walk in. His white hair darkened as he stepped into the dim room. Alcohol and sweat ran through the whole place. The sound of loud music and tingling glass cups, along with lewd moans that were muffled by the overpowering tunes. The thump against their chest, the vibrations of the loud speakers could be felt through the floor. Some of the women with revealing outfits walked through the club with trays in their hands, while the rest danced on the standing poles or were assigned to a private booth. The man with white hair walked to the bar area, both men and women gawking at him with passion and desire.

"Hey, handsome. Anything to start off your night?" He looked up at the bartender. It was a woman with an open shirt. Unlike the rest of the females, she specifically radiated dominant energy. The man nodded his head and pointed at the sweet cocktail behind her. She smiled and threw the cloth onto her shoulder.

"Great choice. It'll be done in a few minutes." She looked down at his clothing, feeling chills run up her spine. Before she could react to the frightening symbol, someone had asked for another drink. The man with the white hair looked around before clicking onto his hidden earpiece.

"I'm guessing you're already inside. If you look to your left, there is a V.I.P area that Mr. De Clair paid for." He turned his head to find the private area. His eyes averted themselves to the greedy-looking man who had a stripper against his lap. He clicked on his earpiece again.

"Found him? All you need to do is slip the drug into his drink. Once you do that, make sure to leave through the back exit, which is located towards your right." He heard the beep sound seconds after the hacker stopped talking. He whirled his head and observed the target; the man smiled, holding the girl close. His hand trailing down from her slim waist onto her wide hips, her petite figure didn't flinch at the unexpected touch, almost as if she were used to it. Even in the uncomfortable position, she still kept working well and was completely unfazed by the inappropriate action. She handed him the bars menu. The white-haired male watched as the man in the expensive suit pointed at an option with a smirk. The girl on his lap got up, swaying her hips to the music while walking towards the bar. The undercover man waited patiently for the female to make it to the bar, but a few roaming individuals constantly stopped her. His eyes never left her position, even when another worker tapped onto his shoulder.

"Hey, pretty boy. Looking for a good night?" The women received no answer, not even a glance.

The man with white hair kept his eyes on the other stripper who was shuffling towards the bar.

"Hey, I said-" before she could even continue, he turned to her, finally meeting her lustful eyes. She sharply inhaled after seeing the icy blue orbs glare at her angrily. She swiftly turned around and decided to mind her own business instead of bothering the intimidating but hot man. The man with the mask turned back to the lady who had finally reached the bar with a specific order.

"Sophie! I need a cosmopolitan. Make sure it's extra good because he's a rich fellow!" The bartender gave her a thumbs up before continuing to shake up another drink. A glass cup is pushed in front of him, making him shift to the woman and look back down at the drink.

"It's on the house cause of the new year!" The man nodded at her, his thin fingers touching the base of the cup. He watched as everyone was engrossed in dancing. They were all grinding on each other with drunk smiles on their faces. Everyone in the club had begun to get together. They were so excited to watch the count down live. He turned to see the VIP stripper flirt with another customer while the bartender finished up Mr. De Clairs drink, leaving it on the counter so that the girl could take it to him... everyone seemed to be in their own world.


He got up, his drink in one hand while the other set down a few bills for the kind bartender. He pushed past the drunk individuals in front of him, sighing when he was finally next to the vulnerable cosmopolitan. He slipped the pill in, observing how it quickly disintegrated within the liquid. He nodded and walked straight ahead to where the bathrooms were located. He turned around to check on the drink, which was, fortunately, being delivered to Mr. De Clair by the flirting worker. The man with the white hair leaned against the wall, closely observing the target. He waited and waited, the crowd around him getting more frantic as the countdown was a few seconds away. The rich man lifted the cup and took a sip without hesitation. The undercover fellow pushed himself off the wall as he continued to walk towards the back exit. His job was done, he was finally allowed to go home.

It wasn't a surprise when the club no longer had fun music, drunk cheers, and glass clinking. It was quickly replaced with terrorized screams, loud bullets, and glass shattering.

It was a common reaction.

Who wouldn't panic after a man falls to the floor, his mouth foaming from poison? His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and slight blood could be seen dripping off his ears. The traumatized voices were muffled out when the white hair man closed the door behind him—the chilly weather engulfing him once again in pleasure. The man clicked on his earpiece three times, alerting the individuals assisting him. The mission's records were quickly updated with no delay or backtrack.

California, Los Angeles
January 1st.
Sunday midnight.
12:00 AM

The white-haired male tugged his mask down, the chain on his face fumbled on his nose. He chugged his cocktail in one shot. The sweet drink trailed down his throat, leaving a bitter taste at the tip of his tongue. He licked his lips for the remaining liquid that may have fallen, his cheeks becoming slightly pink because of the cold breeze. The man tossed the cup into the trash can and walked towards the car that was waiting for him. Taking a few deep breaths, he smiled. He loved the cold weather and the silence that surrounded him. He bit his tongue, finally being able to speak since no one was around him.

"Happy New Year."


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