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It's been a week since Baek read the threatening message. He had skipped class the whole day to not deal with anyone's bullshit. In the end, he had grabbed his phone and shoved it into his pocket. He gave it to Daehyun the minute he got home. His older brother could obviously tell something was wrong. With the unknown contact in hold, he was able to track the person behind the screen. He sent guards to capture the man while he stayed with his little brother. He kept asking if everything was okay... Baekhyun would only shake his head before covering himself with a large blanket.

Baek was not okay, not at all.

He was starting to not care about anything, especially the rumors going on in school. He couldn't give two shits about what anyone said about him. And worst of them all, he didn't care about his death anymore... he just wanted everyone to be okay. He didn't want to be a burden.

Baekhyun was avoiding Chanyeol on purpose. He didn't want to be involved with the boy he cared about if he was putting him in danger. He would ignore the other, putting headphones in his ears to block out everyone's existence. He just needed one more day... he would leave this town very soon. Luhan had also tried multiple times to approach him, but to his favor, Daniel would snatch him away just in time. It was a part of his plan. Baekhyun didn't want to talk to any of them. He made Daniel guard and aid him when it came to avoiding the specific group of guys. Daniel was obviously confused at first, but he proceeded with the plan.

He would help the people around him in silence. All he had to do was avoid them, which was becoming more difficult. Baek had to hold in his anger when it came to all the whispers he heard swirling around his ears. But was it all worth fighting for? It wouldn't matter when he was gone, so... who even cared?

Baekhyun sat at the cafeteria table, waiting for Daniel to return with his plate of food. The younger offered to buy him lunch, but he declined with the same excuse, 'I'm not hungry.' He drummed his fingertips on the table, the taps following the rhythm of the music going through his headphones. He stared at the table where a single carton laid. Why would anyone get milk? He shrugged it off and lowered his head into his arms, hoping he could nap for a few minutes. He calmly minded his own business, which most students couldn't do. He felt a kick to his chair, something that became a common action. Usually, he would ignore it and continue with his day but... something inside of him wanted the opposite.

"A killer like you is still coming to school? Shouldn't you get the fucking hint and leave?" The snickering guy sat beside him with a disgusting grin spread across his face. The mood in the cafeteria shifted. Everyone turned their attention to the rising argument. Baekhyun couldn't help but chuckle at the words. He took off his headphones and turned to the confident jock.

"That's ironic." The student scoffed, raising a brow as he leaned in with a scowl. "The fuck is that supposed to mean? Just listen to us and leave!" Baek looked at the infuriated jock before slapping his mouth. The cafeteria was shocked to see the shaking boy. The giggles quickly turned into loud fits of laughter. The baseball captain even had tears in his eyes, his stomach beginning to hurt as each chuckle left his lips.

"What's so funny-"

"What happened with that sophomore you were trying to hook up with a few days ago? She kept saying no, but you turned that into a yes. Now here you are, demanding I listen to you. A bit selfish, don't ya think." Baekhyun smirked as he watched the boy's face turn into pure anger. Before the rebel could do anything, Baek kicked him out of the chair and laughed, muttering a small 'whoops.'

"Fucking murderer!"


The jock stood there with wide eyes, milk dripping off his face. Baekhyun crouched down to his level. Not holding back the snickers leaving his twitching smile. He got closer, cackling at how the jock flinched.

"Be careful with what you say... you might be the next victim."

Those few words sent shivers down everyone's back. The jock froze, his face turning into absolute terror. You could physically see him shaking from the cold words said to him. Baekhyun grabbed his backpack with an unbothered look. Walking towards the door, he noticed everyone was still staring at him. He could only shrug and search for Daniel on the lunch line. It was easy to find him, judging by the fact that he was laughing extremely loud. He waved at his guard, who only gave him a thumbs up. Walking out, he made his way to the office with his headphones on. The staff looked at him with pitiful stares. They just nodded at him in silence, knowing about the situation he was in. They didn't see him as a murderer, so they allowed him to stay in the office and relax. Baekhyun was too innocent and sweet. The only reason they could come up with was the probability of him getting involved with bad people. The staff had agreed on that theory. The boy definitely had a bad attitude, so it was possible.

They could only watch the boy quietly, but they couldn't help but feel bad as he munched on a pack of gummies. He didn't seem saddened by the hate he got, but...

He looked so lonely.


Baekhyun rushed out of school before the bell could even ring. He didn't want to deal with any more stares or annoying whispers. He noticed his brother's car was still not here. Making sure to check the whole block before concluding that his brother was late, he decided to walk himself to the cafe, typing a quick message directed on his location to his brother.

He's late? That's unusual...

He would always be advised 30 minutes prior to dismissal if Daehyun was going to be late. Not only that, but they would also send a driver to pick him up if there was any issue. And even if a driver had to come pick him up, he should have been there already. The drivers are always there before him, waiting at the entrance every day. The situation just seemed odd, but what was he supposed to do? He could only wait for Daehyun to answer his message.

His stomach growl made him stop abruptly. He lightly rubbed his belly before continuing to walk towards the coffee shop.

"A sweet drink might fix a bitter day..." The boy sighed as he reached for his wallet. His fingertips grazed the leather fabric for a few seconds.

Only a few.

He wasn't able to fully grab it, eventually dropping it against the sidewalk. A hand wrapped around his mouth while another pulled him into the alley. Baekhyun looked up at the masked man with a glare. He somewhat expected this to happen. He looked at the other's eyes and could immediately tell who it was.

A mask wasn't going to hide the true monster behind it.

"My wonderful son... it seems like our fun time has to come to an unfortunate end." His stepfather laughed as he positioned his gun on the youngers stomach. Baekhyun only stared at him blankly... he knew this would happen. He knew his reactions to everyone at school wouldn't matter, neither would his grades or his friendships with anyone. Nothing would matter in the end.

He was going to leave...

Sooner than he had expected.


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