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"He isn't waking up." Daniel looked at the older with blond hair. The boy nodded and quickly ran towards a room, expecting the younger to stay close. Daniel followed closely behind him, the unconscious smaller still against his back.

"Mrs. San!" He yelled, hoping to see the older woman. "Yes?" The old lady smiled, but it faded once she saw the senseless boy. "Oh dear, lay him on the bed. I'll get him some medicine right now." Daniel nodded before looking at the worried boy.

"Why'd he faint?" He sat down next to Baekhyun, fidgeting. Daniel tensed at the question and lightly placed the smaller onto the soft bed.

Shit, what do I say?

I can't tell him that a kidnapper triggered him into a panic attack...

"I don't really know. When I found him, he was already crying. I'm guessing he had some sort of drain or maybe a panic attack." He scratched his neck before standing up. "I'm Daniel." He bowed respectfully.

"I'm Luhan."

He reflected the previous action with a shy smile. "You seem to know Baekhyun well..." Luhan smiled at the younger boy, who could only shake his head. "No, no. We met just recently, but our parents are very close, so we bonded well." He tapped his foot against the floor, unsure if keeping the conversation alive was the best decision.

"Do you know Baek?"

Luhan nodded as he continued to look at his unconscious best friend. "We're childhood friends. He's basically my brother at this point." Daniel nodded slowly.


Does he know about Baekhyuns dad and stepdad?


I doubt Baek would tell anyone about his family.

"Umm, so did your group of friends not take his departure well?" Daniel asked, trying to keep the conversation going. The uncomfortable air had begun to lessen gradually. "Yeah, they were a bit overprotective... but they were too harsh." Luhan glared at the floor and shook his head, remembering their words.

Those idiots...

"Oh, I see." Daniel felt his phone vibrate. He nearly let out a sigh, relieved to have an excuse to exit the room. He took out his phone and got up immediately. "My apologies, I have to take this call." Luhan nodded as he watched the dirty blond hair exit the room. Daniel absentmindedly answered the call without checking the caller.

"What's up?"

"Is that how you speak to your father? You brat." Daesung's annoyed scoff made his son laugh through the phone.

"Sorry, dad."

"Anyways, Jaebum told me about the incident. Is Baekhyun okay?" Daniel sighed. "Yeah, he's fine. It's just his first encounter with this kind of stuff, so he got scared. He fainted so, I'll stay with him until he's up." Daesung hummed, but he had other plans in mind. "I actually need you to hack into the cameras. Your brother is taking care of the suspicious man. Leave Baekhyun in the room with someone and hurry to the camera room. We need to have access to their security." Daniel groaned at the sudden request. He was supposed to be an undercover student... this didn't seem student-like at all!

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