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His dark brown eyes trailed against the writing on the note. He let out a dispirited sigh and looked at his photo album once again. He observed the stored letters he had kept under the thin sheet of plastic. Chan took out the letter and read the message with loving eyes.

'Why did the tomato blush?


It saw the salad dressing.

I wonder if you even read these short notes. If you read this before lunch, please get me a slice of pizza or a sandwich. Daniel keeps insisting that I help him with a bio lesson, so I'll be a few minutes late. Also, thanks for the strawberries this morning. They were sweet! Sweet like me, of course ;) I have to get going before Ms. Kim scolds me again. She keeps bothering me, and it's probably because I still haven't finished my college essay :3  Whoops!

Anyways, I'll see you in a bit, Yoda —'

Chanyeol chuckled at the cute note before closing his eyes for a few seconds. He released a worried exhale as he prayed for the boy's safety. He hoped Baekhyun was content wherever he was. A sudden sense of guilt filled him when images of Achlys crossed his mind. He was so elegant and beautiful... it felt wrong to feel this way. He shook his head and rubbed his tired eyes with a frown.

"Gosh... this makes me feel awful." He turned to the picture on his desk and smiled. There he was, holding Baekhyun while he posed for the camera. They looked so happy... it made him wonder where everything took a turn downhill.

"No matter how hard I try... I can't seem to forget you." He looked away from the picture, his heart heavy as he desired to hold the boy once again. He observed all the notes inside of the album, colorful pieces of paper filled each page with heartwarming messages. The detailed and cheerful writing that always held joking insults. Insults that Chanyeol never took to the heart. He loved the small letters and how unique they were. He didn't even care if the pages were mainly filled with random doodles. It was from Baekhyun, and that's all that really mattered.

'Anyways, I'll see you in a bit, Yoda —'

He ran his finger across the letter before turning to the conversation he had with Achlys. His eyes immediately noticed the similarities between the writing patterns... but perhaps it was all a coincidence. Maybe his mind had finally lost it, and now he was imagining things. His grip on the note tightened as he reread the words over and over again.

'Maybe next time —'


Sehun watched Chanyeol adjust his suit while standing outside the meeting room. He raised a curious brow and smirked when a sudden conclusion settled in his mind.

"Ouuuu~ Are you trying to look good for someone?" Chanyeol shot him a glare before sucking his teeth in annoyance.

"Yeah, for myself." The taller entered the office before Sehun could continue his never-ending teasing. His eyes immediately searched the room, this time, he was looking for the familiar white hair. Achlys was already in the room beside Daehyun. The duo conversed with Daesung about an upcoming mission the younger had to deal with. Their conversation was put on a brief pause when Daesung averted his attention to the incoming gang.

Hard to Love - (chanbaek)Where stories live. Discover now