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Baekhyun adjusted his mask while running out of his car. His steps were frantic as he glanced at all the guards in position. He quickly analyzed their figures and noticed that they only had a few guns on them. After a few shots, they would be out of bullets and open to the enemy. He pointed to the main guard while clicking his own gun.

"Get more weapons prepared. The second you sense danger, kill them instantly." He walks past them, his eyes frantically searching for any suspicious individuals.

"But sir-"

"Don't risk it. We are targets right now. Prepare for combat. That's an order." Baekhyun glanced at the guards one more time before leaving the entrance and speed walking to the elevator. He clicked on the 11th floor and waited for the familiar ding to enter his ears. The second he saw the doors slightly open, he rushed out and hurried to Daehyuns office. He barely bowed at the guards in front of the door. He simply ran into the room, searching for his main principal. The guards tensed up as they received the alert from their boss's actions. Baekhyun was clearly under pressure and in a hurry. The guards stood in front of the locked door and glanced at their boss, who continued to scan the room. Their hands were ready to grab their weapons and protect their leader. They were trained to fight and risk their lives so that Baekhyun could stay safe. The stern looks they held only added more stress to the smaller. The last thing he wanted was for someone to get injured because of him. 

Baekhyun felt relief wash over him as he grabbed the hidden computer. He quickly logged into the device and opened the file's icon. He bit his lip as the loading symbol appeared on the screen. He hastily clicked on all of the hidden files and messages that were on the device. He transferred all of the videos, documents, emails, and anything that had to deal with... the secret. He took the USB and ensured the transfer was a success before shoving the small piece into his pocket. He jumped at the sound of bullets echoing through the building. He turned to the armed pair who were leaning against the door; guns prepared to fire.

"They're near." Baek cursed under his breath and swiftly cleared the computer. Once the laptop showed no history or any files and added applications, he knew he was done. To finish the job, he lifted the device and slammed it onto the floor. The screen and keyboard disconnected from each other as the screen glitched with new colored lines appearing. He stomped on the computer and shoved it behind the set of cabinets. He veered towards the guards and signaled them to exit the room.

"Hurry and exit-"

A gush of wind pushed them back. Baekhyun crashed into the wall. He choked on his breath of air as the harsh impact surged into his back. His ears were ringing, and his sight was becoming blurry. He rapidly held his head and grabbed the gun positioned on his waist. The explosion had opened the doors by force, and judging by the laying figures near the far right and left; he could only assume his guards were more injured than he was. He could see the unknown individual rush into the room, a mask covering his face as he held a gun. Baekhyun wasted no time and raised his weapon at the intruder. He curled his fingers onto the trigger and pulled without hesitation. The unknown man fell to the floor, a bullet now grazed into his forehead. Baek tried to stand up, he nearly stumbled on his step, but he continued to help his peers. He gave them a hand and guided them to the pillar where they would have more protection.

"Young master, please escape!" His worried eyes shut the second he winced. He touched his abdomen and groaned, seeing the broken slabs pierce his skin. Before Baekhyun could answer, more invaders rushed into the room. He lifted his gun and shot the individuals he could. His step nearly tumbled to the ground as a bullet grazed his leg. He shoved his guards behind the pillar so they could stay hidden. He leaned against the white wall and clicked his gun once more. He took a deep breath and revealed himself to the enemies before wounding the remaining individuals. They all crashed to the floor, silent complaints leaving their lips. Baekhyun took the opportunity to hide beneath his brother's desk before anyone else could enter the room.

He could hear them. He could hear how they rushed into the room. He could hear the click of their guns confirm that they were prepared to shoot. The low whines and drops of blood that filled the once clean office. He could hear it all. He held his head, feeling blood drip down his forehead and onto his left eye. His ears were still ringing, and he was painfully injured but,

He expected this outcome.

He looked at the window in front of him before glancing at the armed men trying to walk through the debris.

It might give the guards some time to escape and call for backup...

He grabbed the USB in his pocket and deeply inhaled. He opened his cold eyes and prepared himself. This could kill him, but... it was worth a try to get them out of this invasion.

Fuck it.

He shot the window three times. Bullet after bullet. The intruders swerved their heads towards the sound and raised their weapons, expecting the male to come out. And he did. But he turned his back towards them before quickly jumping towards the broken glass. The masked men were beyond shocked; they didn't expect the male to jump out, mainly because of the floor they were currently in.

Baekhyun stared down at the pool of water and turned his back towards his fall. His eyes met with the shocked individuals that peeked their heads to see the falling male. Baekhyun was worried, and fear was obviously gushing through him, but... the air that rapidly flowed past his skin made him feel free. He closed his eyes just as his back reached the water. A huge splash could be seen as he sunk to the bottom. The clear pool was quickly stained with red as blood seeped out of his open wounds. Baekhyun held his breath and propelled himself back to the surface. His strength was slowly weakening, but he had to get to a safe spot before fully letting go. He grabbed the handles beside the pool and pulled himself out. He ran to the wall just as a storm of bullets poured onto the pool. He let out a few coughs, his wet mask stuck to his face making it harder to breathe. His sight was becoming blurry, and his speed was decreasing with the injury on his right leg. He limped behind a wall as he continued to hide from the intruders that were currently searching for him.

This is bad... I need to call backup, or I'm dead.

Baek wanted to lay down and rest. He was getting more tired as his eyes began to shut. Blood trailed down his head once again. To worsen the situation, his ears began to ring and disrupt his focus. He looked around in hopes of finding his black car and felt a spiral of comfort the moment he saw the black figure. Everything was blurry, but the vehicle resembled his, so he quickly scrambled to the car the second he saw the doors open for him. He ignored the painful sensation rushing up his leg and pushed himself into the car. The doors shut immediately after he entered, and the vehicle quickly took off. His head was throbbing at this point, and he couldn't handle it anymore. He couldn't see or pay attention to anything. All he knew was that he was saved from those intruders, and he was exhausted.

He finally let his body fall. His tired figure fell into a familiar hold. Baekhyun couldn't see who was holding him or who had saved him from this incident but... he could smell the sweet and intense aroma.

He could smell the familiar scent of sweet pine.


Hard to Love - (chanbaek)Where stories live. Discover now