come home

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Luke sighed as he finally got the kids to go to sleep. It was their summer break so it was almost impossible to get them to go to bed.

Luke pulled out his phone, and saw it was 10 p.m.

He clicked on Michael's contact and waited for him to answer.

"Hey, Luke."

"Michael please come home." Luke whispered.

"I'm on my way. What's wrong?" Michael asked.

"I dont know. I'm just used to you coming home at 5 o'clock so I can get a break, but now that you're working late, I'm just a little stressed." Luke whispered.

"Luke, I know, but you realize I'm working late for you and the kids. We need more money and-"

"Michael I know and I love you for it, but I just need you right now.." Luke whispered.

Michael sighed and Luke frowned a little bit.

"Okay. Ten minutes." Michael said before he hung up.

Luke walked into the living room, and sighed when he heard a rumble of thunder.

It was only a matter of seconds before the kids were running down the stairs. He hadn't put the baby gate up in front of the stairs yet, so he light smiled as he saw his four years old son helping his two year old daughter down the stairs.

"It's storming." His son said, and pulled at Luke's legs.

"Storm." His little girl said, tears in her eyes.

"Come here.." Luke whispered, picking up the little girl, and then letting the little boy on his back. They laughed every time Luke bent down to pick up and toy they left on the ground.

He loves that he was able to distract them from the storm, but he just wishes he could go to sleep.

"Here, let's go lay in my bed, okay?" Luke said.

"Okay." Mason said, and Lily nodded along.

He walked up the stairs, his calves burning as he carried 70 extra pounds with him. He sat the kids on the bed, and quickly changed into his pajama pants.

Luke laid between the two kids and smiled when Lily crawled on his bare chest.

"Storm." She said softly.

"It's okay, baby." Luke whispered, placing his hand gently on the back of her head.

Mason smiled as the two of them drifted off to sleep.

He sat up as Michael came into the room.

"Hey? Did they already go to sleep?" He asked softly.

"Yeah. Dad was really, really tired." Mason said.

Michael smiled and sat down on the bed. Luke stirred around and opened his eyes, seeing Michael there.

"Mikey.." Luke whispered.

"Go to sleep, babe." Michael whispered, running his hand through Luke's hair.

He noticed Luke's dark circles and obvious tired mood.

"Luke, I hope you know that you are the best husband in the whole world." Michael said, making Luke smile as he closed his eyes.

"And the best dad." Mason said.

Michael and mason both pressed a kiss to Luke's forehead.

"Love you." They said at the same time, making Luke smile, and hold Lily tighter.

"I love you guys, too."

muke one shots: vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now