your baby

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for @lwq5sos I love this request !!!


"Luke, what the hell?" Michael asked as he walked into the living room, seeing Luke sitting on the couch with Michael's brother beside him.

"I invited your brother over f-"

"Get in here, now." Michael said as he looked at Luke who was seated a little too close to his junkie brother.

Luke followed Michael into the kitchen, and looked up at the older boy.

"You know that I don't talk to my brother, and you know why, Luke. You can't invite him here!" Michael said, and Luke shrugged.

"Michael, I just thought that you two could make up."

"Well you thought wrong, Luke. You should've talked to me first! I don't want him in my house, and I definitely don't want him anywhere near you!" Michael said louder, upset that he had to see his brother again after 4 years. "Tell him to get out."

"No, Michael! We're all gonna have d-"

"I'm not going to he associated with him, ever!" Michael said, and Luke furrowed his eye brows.

"You're so dramatic, Michael." Luke scoffed.

"I'm leaving. I'm going to my moms house. I can't believe you, Luke!" Michael said, picking his phone and keys up. "Tell him to leave also."

Luke's face softened as he saw Michael getting his stuff.

"Come on, Mikey. Just one dinner." Luke said.

Michael turned around and Luke saw tears falling from the older boys eyes.

"I swore to myself that I would never communicate with him again, and you just invited him into our home, Luke. Our safe place. I don't see how you could do that." Michael said, and walked out of the kitchen, and eventually out of the front door.

"You need to go, Jake." Luke whispered, and the guy picked up his cigarette and left without any other words.

Luke sighed as he sat down on the couch.

He really crossed a line he shouldn't have.

Michael brother used to abuse him as a child and even hooked up with Michael's first girlfriend just to make a joke out of him. Michael's brother was every parents nightmare. Now he abused drugs and treated everyone like crap.

Luke just wanted for Michael to maybe get some closure, or just talk things out with his brother, but that was just asking too much.


"You're coming home tonight, right?" Luke asked through the phone.

"You told me to call you because you needed something. If that's all you want to know, than I'm going to hang up." Michael said.

"Michael, I'm sorry, and I just really need you to come home." Luke said, tears brimming his eyes. He's already slept a night by himself and he doesn't want to do it again. He needs Michael to hold him.

"No, Luke. I just can't okay? You understand that he made my life living hell, right? I tried killing myself because of him, and you just- oh my gosh, Luke. You just let him in!" Michael said.

"I'm sorry, Mikey." Luke said softly.

"That doesn't change anything."

"Just please come home. You don't even have to look at me. I just don't want to be by myself."

"Invite Jake over. You don't seem to have any problem doing that."

Luke frowned as the line cut off.

He didn't mean to hurt Michael, but he did.

Luke looked at the clock and saw it was 10:00 p.m. but he didn't want to go to bed. Not without Michael.

He wants Michael to hold him like he usually does, and tell him stories, and everything he loves about him because he feels like Michael just doesn't love him anymore. Luke just wants to be Michael's baby again.

The blonde boy laid his phone down, and hugged his arms around his waist. He was wearing one of Michael's shirts, and just a pair of leggings.

He felt tears rolling from his eyes as he laid his head down on the kitchen counter he was sitting in front of. He refused to sleep another night in that empty bed.

He hated himself for hurting Michael. He never wanted to. He cares about Michael more than he cares about anyone else in the world.

He let his tears soak into his sleeve as he slowly fell asleep with his head on the counter.

Luke couldn't stand how lonely he felt.


Michael sighed as he walked back into the house. He didn't really want to see Luke right now, but he couldn't just stay away from him forever.

He walked up the stairs, and walked to their bedroom. It was only 8 a.m. so Luke was probably still asleep.

He pushed the door open, and saw Luke sitting in the middle of the bed with his head in his hands.

Despite how mad he was, Michael's heart broke when he saw Luke like that.

"Come here.." Michael whispered, walking over to the bed.

Luke looked up quickly, and Michael could just see how tired Luke was.

"Mikey?" Luke asked, and smiled a little.

Michael crawled onto the bed, and laid down on top of Luke, laying his head beside the younger boys.

"I didn't mean to hurt y-"

"I know, Luke. You're okay." Michael whispered, running a thumb over Luke's cheek.

"Do you still love me?" Luke asked, and Michael wiped away one of the stray tears.

"Of course I do. I'm always gonna love you." Michael said, holding Luke closer. "Tell me why you haven't slept properly."

"Because I knew you were mad at me." Luke said, making Michael frown a little bit.

"Go to sleep, sweetheart. I'm not angry anymore," Michael whispered, kissing Luke's forehead.

It took no time for Luke to fall asleep beside Michael, and his grip never loosened on the older boys hand.

muke one shots: vol. 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat