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lashykins thank you for this request


luke lightly smiled as michael scooted a bowl of yogurt and fruit over to him.

"you need to eat at least half of that. all of it would be amazing, but i know that's asking a lot." michael said, tracking the number of calories luke was eating in his phone.

"okay." luke said softly, and started eating.

"today you need to eat 1300 calories. i know that's a big stretch from what you usually eat, but you need to try, okay? i know it's gonna hurt, but it's going to help you." michael said, putting the yogurt container back in the fridge.

"okay. as long as i don't have to go back to the hospital." luke said, and michael smiled at him.

when luke was at the hospital being treated for anorexia, they treated him like a complete child. they kept telling him to either eat or die, and he just wishes it was that easy. he knows he will die if he doesn't eat, but sometimes he just can't. it's not about being skinny anymore. he's trained himself to restrict calories, and deprive himself of nutrients.

"mikey?" luke asked, almost done with the entire bowl, making michael smile a little.

"yeah?" he asked.

"can we get a puppy?" luke asked, and michael furrowed his eyebrows, and looked at luke.

"what? no. why?" he asked.

"for all the times you're at work. i won't be so lonely." luke said softly, and michael shook his head.

"michael, please? it'll make me happy." luke whined.

"luke how the hell are you supposed to take care of a dog if you don't even know how to take care of yourself. i literally have to stand here and make sure you eat something. you can't even feed yourself on your own, you can't get a dog. you won't be able to take care of it," michael said, and luke frowned, putting his spoon down.

"i can too. i promise i'll feed it three times a day, and give it a bath, and play with it, and-"

"you are going to be so focused on that dog that you forget to take care of yourself. no, luke." michael said, and luke stubbornly crossed his arms, standing up.

"fine. you can just go back to work next week, and leave me here by myself, and have no way of knowing if i ate anything or not." luke muttered, and michael rolled his eyes.

"luke, i'm doing what's best for you," michael whispered

luke sighed, and dropped his arms. "i know you are. i'm sorry for being stubborn. i just really want a puppy. i'm tired of having to hear about my eating problems all the time, and a puppy would make me so happy. you make me happy, too, but you always have to go to work to pay for my stupid hospital bills, and i'm sorry." luke said softly, and michael kissed his forehead.

"it's okay, luke. you're fine," michael whispered.

"no i'm not. i'm as skinny as a pole, and my stomach hurts, and i want a puppy." luke mumbled, his stubbornness returning.

"i'm sorry, luke, but i just can't let you have a dog. it's too much work, and your focus needs to be on getting better." michael said, and luke nodded, turning and walking from the kitchen.

truth is, luke just wanted a little positivity in his life. he hated being alone when michael went to work. when he's alone, there's more of a chance he's not going to eat. he just gets sad.

luke laid his head on the pillow, and michael followed him up the stairs.

"luke, i don't mean to make you upset, but you understand right?" michael asked.

"yeah, but puppies are such happy animals and i just thought it would help. you know how people get dogs when they need help? i just thought that a dog would help me." luke muttered, tracing shapes on the blanket.

"people get trained service dogs-"

"i know how it works. it was just an idea. like, i can't imagine being sad when there's a little blonde dog running around." luke sighed.

"you want a blonde dog? figures." michael laughed.

"yeah. i wanted one like the dog from marley and me." he said softly.

"maybe when you get a little better." he said, and luke rolled his eyes, turning over.

"i just wanna go to sleep."


"no no no no no-" michael groaned as the little golden puppy peed on the backseat of the car.

"luke better be happy." michael muttered, pulling into their driveway. he had went to the shelter after work and found a puppy for luke. he hates seeing the younger boy so sad.

he picked the dog up, and covered it with his jacket. it stayed still, probably confused as to what was going on.

"luke?" michael called as he walked into the house.

"what?" luke asked from the living room.

"well, hello to you too. anyway, since i couldn't get you a dog, i got you another surprise okay?" michael asked, and luke smiled a little.

"okay, we're gonna do this the david dobrick way.. lay down, and keep your eyes closed." michael said. (a/n: clickbait)

"absolutely not."

"do it!" michael laughed.

luke reluctantly laid on the ground, and covered his eyes with his hands.

michael laid the puppy on luke's stomach, and the younger boy quickly opened his eyes.

"michael!" luke yelled, and held the puppy to his chest.

"do you like it?" michael asked.

luke looked up, and nodded very quickly, his eyes full of tears.

"no, baby. don't cry." michael laughed, sitting next to luke.

"i'm just so happy." luke said, smiling brightly.

"what are you gonna name him." michael asked, wrapping an arm around luke's shoulders.


muke one shots: vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now