getting tired

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another anniversary one bc i'm just feeling it

only mikey is famous*


"hey baby." luke whispered, hugging michael's shoulders from behind as the older boy cooked.

"happy anniversary, sweetheart." michael mumbled, and luke frowned a little.

"what's wrong? you sound upset." luke said quietly.

"what? nothing." michael said, shrugging.

"alright.." luke said, rubbing michael's arm before backing up and sitting down at a barstool.

he curiously peeked around the room, looking for the table full of presents or the dozens of flowers michael usually had for him on their anniversary.

he keeps michael's in the spare bedroom just so he won't see.

"did you hide my presents this year? i know i always peek, but you didn't have to be that evil." luke said, and michael shrugged.

he sat luke's blueberry muffin in front of him along with his usual smoothie.

"i got invited to a party tonight. since it's getting close to fashion week everybody is going crazy, and-"

"aw. come on. stay home with me." luke whined, and michael laughed a little bit.

"every top model in the industry is gonna be there, and there's a huge band line up-"

"its our anniversary." luke said softly, and michael sighed.

"i know, and i'm sorry, but i kind of have to be there." michael said quietly, and luke pouted.

"but i bought you presents." luke said quietly, little tears in his eyes, but michael couldn't see.

"luke, you don't understand-"

"you're right. i don't understand. i know i'm not famous and i know people aren't expecting me at some high class party, but i'm kind of expecting you to stay home with me on our day." luke said, a pleading looking in his eyes.

"luke, i'm going."

luke wiped his eyes as michael left the room.


"you look great." luke said softly as he stood at the door of their bedroom. it was 7 p.m. and michael was getting ready to leave.

"thanks, baby."

"here..." luke said, and walked over, taking michael's untied tie out of his hands.

michael looked down and he saw the dark circles under luke's eyes, and he saw just how messy his hair was.

"baby, have you been drinking?"

"just a little bit.." luke whispered, focusing on the tie.

once the tie was finished, and michael's jacket was on, he started walking down the stairs towards the door.

luke followed slowly, and just felt tears build with every step he took.

"i'll be back no later than-"

"please don't go.." luke whispered, and michael turned around. luke's arms were crossed, and his eyes were red.


"i know you feel like you have to, but i need you to stay here. this is one day i look forward to because it's like i'm guaranteed to feel special, you know? i don't tell you, but sometimes i get really sad because i know you're constantly surrounded by these people who can give you so much more than i can. i know you're getting tired of me, and i know i can't compare to these young models you see every day, but just tell me i'm pretty and you love me. just today at least. you don't even have to mean it any more. i just need to hear it."

michael stood in shock as tears fell from luke's blue eyes.

"luke, oh my gosh..." michael whispered, and walked forward, hugging luke tightly as the younger boy cried on his shoulder. " no no, shhhh."

"do you think i don't love you?" michael asked, and luke looked up.

"sometimes it feels like you don't. i feel like you're disappointed when you have to come home to me. i'm so boring compared to all of your other friends." luke said, and michael pushed his back against the wall, wiping his tears.

"absolutely not. i'm sorry for how i acted today, and i'm sorry for how i treated you. i never meant to make you feel like this, baby. you are so beautiful, and i am so in love with you. i fall more in love with you every day. i'm so sorry." michael whispered, hugging luke again.

michael picked up luke's left hand.

he looked down and his face fell a little.

"where's your ring? where's your wedding ring, luke?" michael asked.

"upstairs. i took it off a week after you took yours off." luke whispered, and michael looked down, seeing that he didn't have his on either. "i thought you didn't want people to know you were married."

"i didn't mean to leave it off. i guess- i guess i just forgot to put it back on.." michael whispered, and luke frowned again

michael pulled luke up the stairs and frantically searched around on the crowded desk until he found both rings.

he sat on the bed with luke, and the younger boy looked at him with confusion.

"you're so beautiful, and i'm so in love with you, luke. so much more than you will ever know. i know sometimes i can absolutely suck, and i don't appreciate you like i should, but i need you to know it doesn't mean because i love you any less. i just get too focused on things that don't matter. you matter to me, more than anything else."

luke smiled as michael slipped the ring on his finger again.

"i love you.." luke laughed through his tears as he slipped michael's ring back on him.

"...but i am sorry that you had to miss your party." luke said, untying michael's tie.

"what party?" michael asked, making luke giggle.

"if i ever get like that again, please tell me that i'm being stupid." michael said, and luke smiled, unbuttoning michael's shirt.

"trust me, i will.." luke said, and kissed michael's nose.

"what do you wanna do? the rest of the day, and well the rest of our lives, is all about you, okay?" michael said, and luke smirked.

"well, if you would pay attention..." luke said, unbuttoning the last button on michael's shirt. "...i think what i want from you now is pretty obvious."

michael smiled, and tackled luke back onto the bed.

"i'm so madly in love with you, luke hemmings."

muke one shots: vol. 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant