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"Mikey..." Luke said softly as he walked into the living room.

"What's up, sweetheart?" Michael asked, taking his attention away from the tv to look at Luke.

"I kind of accidentally- um I... I tried calling you earlier, but you didn't answer. I didn't mean to, but a puppy ran out in front of me-"

"Luke, what did you do?" Michael asked, and he watched as Luke walked away.

He got up and followed Luke outside and he lost his breath when he saw his brand new, freshly painted tesla dented and scratched to the point that it was unfixable.

"What the hell." Michael whispered, and looked over at Luke.

"A little puppy ran out in front of me, and I couldn't keep going. I ran into the ditch. I'm sorry." Luke said.

"Do you realize how hard I have worked for this car?! How could you be so careless with something that isn't yours?!" Michael yelled as he realized thousands of dollars were just thrown away.

"The dog is okay though. I mean-"

"Don't." Michael said, and Luke could tell he was angry.

"I'm sorry." Luke asked. Luke never cried much but he felt so unbelievably guilty and scared from the accident. He had tears pooling in his eyes and they were getting ready to spill over.

"Just go inside."


Luke sat across the table from Michael. The older boy was on his laptop while Luke silently ate his breakfast.

It's been two days since the accident, and Michael is still pissed.

"Are you still mad at me?" Luke asked softly.

"I'm not exactly happy with you, but I'm not angry." Michael said, but his tone said differently.

Luke looked down and scooted his cereal away. He wasn't hungry anymore.

"You know I didn't mean to." Luke said softly.

"You know I'm paying so much money to fix your mistake. It doesn't matter if you meant to or not." Michael said.

Luke has watched Michael come home late, and go to work early just to get enough to pay for this car that he's wanted for so long, and he messed that up in just ten seconds.

He stood up from the table, and walked to the kitchen just so Michael wouldn't see him cry.

Michael hasn't treated Luke like he usually does. He hasn't held him at night or stayed up with him, and Luke knows it's because Michael was mad at him.

He can't stand it when Michael's angry because he gets so lonely.

He wiped his eyes and heard Michael sigh.

"Why are you so upset?" Michael asked as he walked into the kitchen.

Luke turned around and Michael could finally see the tears involuntarily falling from the younger boys eyes.

"I know there's nothing I can do to help you, and I'm sorry. I'm paying for what I did, believe me. Not in money, but I can't sleep anymore, and I can't explain how guilty I feel. Every time I close my eyes I just see the car flipping and it scares me. I can't help you money wise, but I'm paying for my mistakes." Luke cried, wiping his eye with the back of his hand.

Michael watched Luke for a few seconds, his heart breaking because he's never seen Luke cry before.

"I didn't even ask how you were..." Michael whispered, and Luke sat on a bar stool, sobbing into his hands.

"Baby, you're okay right? You're not hurt are you?" Michael asked, realizing how overdue this was.

He picked up Luke's head and wiped his tears.

"I'm okay. I'm just so scared. Please don't be mad at me anymore. I need you." He said, biting his lip to keep it from quivering.

"I'm so sorry, baby..." Michael whispered, holding Luke so tight. "...I should've made sure you were okay. What was I thinking?"

Luke sobbed into Michael's shoulder, his mind racing.

"You're okay. You're safe..."

Michael sat there for hours with Luke, hushing him and helping him calm down again.

Michael lightly smiled when he picked Luke up only to find that the younger boy was asleep on his shoulder.

He carried Luke to their bedroom, and laid him down, placing a kiss to his forehead.

"I can live without the car. I can't live without you. From now on, I'm putting you first like I should have in the first place. I love you..."

muke one shots: vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now