save me

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thank you babybearmuke for the request (:


"this is crazy! nobody's here." luke said as he walked into the pool area with michael.

"yeah, we don't open for like 2 hours, and i know how you feel about public pools, so i thought i'd bring you early. they just cleaned it, so don't worry." michael laughed, ruffling luke's hair.

"yay!" luke said, and michael leaned over, kissing his head.

"go ahead and get in baby, i'll be right back, okay?" michael said, and luke smiled, nodding.

michael walked into the office, and  luke jumped in. he loves swimming, but there was just something about public pools that he hates.

he swam for about ten minutes before he swam down to the bottom. the pressure of the water started to hurt his head, so he pushed off of the floor, but didn't move. instead he felt a pain in his two smallest toes.

he looked down, and saw a crack in the bottom of the pool. his toes were caught between the concrete, and worry filled his mind.

michael walked back out of the small office, and his eyebrows furrowed when he couldn't see luke.

"luke?" michael called, and glanced into the pool.

his eyes widened when he could see luke's red shorts contrasting with the clear water. he didn't even think to take his clothes and shoes off before he jumped in, swimming to the bottom.

he could see luke was weak, but he was conscious.

michael noticed the problem, and held onto luke's ankle, carefully sliding luke's foot out. it was bleeding at this point, but that wasn't their worst issue.

he held onto luke, and pushed them up, coming to the surface. he lifted luke out of the water, and laid him on the concrete.

he was coughing and gasping for air as michael hovered over him.

"can you talk?" michael asked, and luke just coughed.

he did a few chest presses, before breathing into luke's mouth. he continued that a few more times before luke could breathe properly again.

"mikey.." luke said weakly, tears falling from his eyes.

"baby, shh, just breathe okay?" michael said, and a few other lifeguards saw what was going on and brought michael a first aid kit.

"we can't open until the concrete gets fixed in the bottom." michael said, and they nodded, quickly going back to the office.

michael moved down, and wrapped up luke's foot.

"you're gonna be okay.." michael told him, and pressed a kiss to his cheek once he came back up.

"thanks for saving me." luke said in a raspy voice, and michael just smiled a little.

"i would've died if something had happened to you." michael whispered, and luke smiled, wiping his eyes. "now, there's an ambulance here, and they're just gonna check up on you, okay?"

"okay." luke whispered, and michael helped him sit up for a second.

"i love you, luke. i'm happy that you're okay." michael told him, and luke leaned his head against michael's.

"you're my hero, mikey."


i feel like this one sucked for some reason, but please vote anyway omg lol.

please send in requests if you want. still working on a few that were recently sent in

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