your space

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luke walked into the bedroom he now shared with michael. it was the first night he was spending beside his best friend and boyfriend.

"you look beautiful." michael said softly, smiling as he cuddled into the blankets on the bed.

"michael, shut up." luke laughed, and walked over to the bed. he was in one of michael's long t-shirt's that hid his boxers.

"let's go to sleep, alright? we need to leave the house around 9 in the morning tomorrow to get to the studio, alright?" he said, and luke groaned, crawling in beside michael.

michael laughed, and shook his head at his adorable boyfriend.

michael turned, and laid on his side, making luke furrow his eyebrows when he saw michael's back to him.

"hey! turn over and hold me!" luke whined, pulling on michael's shoulder.

michael sighed, and laid on his back. he scooted back a little when luke attached to his waist, holding onto him.

"what is it?" luke asked quietly, wondering why michael didn't want to hold him.

"baby, i like my space when i sleep." michael whined.

"i like your space too." luke said, and laid his body on michael's chest.

michael turned on his side, facing luke, causing the younger boy to fall back on the bed by himself.

"listen, we have a long day tomorrow, and i just wanna go to sleep, alright?" michael said.

"me too, but i need michael cuddles.." luke pouted.

"luke.." michael sighed.

michael honestly couldn't sleep if he was confined without the ability to move around in his sleep, but luke loves the feeling of being held more than anything in the world. being held calmed him down, and it made him feel safe. until now, luke and michael have agreed on everything; it was obvious to both this wasn't something they were going to agree on.

"please?" luke asked quietly, trying on his best sad eyes.

"baby, not tonight." michael said, quietly, and luke nodded.

"okay. i'm sorry." luke whispered.

"don't say you're sorry for anything. goodnight, love." michael said, and kissed luke's head.

"night, mikey."

luke watched as michael turned, leaving his back to face luke.

the younger boy very slowly scooted closer to michael, scooting as close as he possibly could without touching michael. he wanted to be close to him. he has closed his eyes and pictured michael holding him while he was trying to fall asleep before. he's remembered laying in his own bed, surrounding himself in pillows and wrapping his arms around himself just to feel like someone was holding him.

"hey, what are you doing?" michael asked quietly when he felt luke scooting closer and closer.

"i- uh. i'm sorry." luke said, and scooted away to his side of the bed.

michael turned around and just looked at luke for a second.

the younger boy had a look of guilt in his eyes for some reason.

"alright, come here. we've gotta compromise on this." michael said, and luke smiled.

michael didn't want to be selfish and leave luke alone when the blond boy obviously wanted physical contact so bad.

michael scooted closer, and felt luke's legs tangle with his own. they faced each other, and loosely held each others hands between their chests. michael didn't feel smothered, and luke didn't feel alone.

"thank you, michael." luke said softly, looking up at his boyfriend through his lashes.

"don't thank me." michael whispered, and luke smiled a little.

"i love you." the younger boy said, making michael smile widely.

"i love you too, baby. you're comfortable now?" michael asked, and luke nodded.

"more than ever."


this book is almost done. *gasp*

i'm at part 197 out of 200

muke one shots: vol. 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt