real dreams

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thank you @lashykins for this request !!!

i know i make michael a jerk in 80% of my one-shots even though in real life, he's a kitten, but luke is just so precious and i love it when michael says he's sorry and cuddles him and awawawawaw


luke sighed as he looked down at michael who was laying right beside him.

he didn't want to wake him up. he knows how grouchy michael is when he's woken up; especially at 4 in the morning.

he lifted michael's arm anyway, and crawled over the older boy's body, laying against his chest.

"luke? what are you doing?" michael asked, rolling over so his back was to luke.

luke crawled back over michael so he was facing him again.

"quit jumping around so much. go back to sleep." michael groaned.

"hold me.." luke whined.

"luke, tell me why you're up at 4 in the morning?" michael asked, obvious annoyance in his voice.

"it's nothing. j-"

"bullshit. you never just wake up, and start bothering me for nothing. tell me what's wrong?" michael said.

"just go back to sleep. it's okay." luke whispered.

"i'm not going back to sleep until you tell me, so why don't you just hurry up and say something? i don't understand the issue here."

luke didn't blame michael for being so grumpy. he is the exact same way when he's woken up at an ungodly hour.

"i had a bad dream." luke mumbled.

"bad dream. two syllables. you took ten minutes to say 'bad dream'?" michael groaned.

"michael, stop it." luke whined, pushing michael's arm.

"what? you're being ridiculous. it's 4 in the fuc-"

"why are you being so mean to me?" luke asked, and michael could hear the crack in luke's unsteady voice.

michael sat up, and he saw luke's lip quivering as he tried to keep his tears in his blue eyes.

"luke..." michael sighed, at a loss for words.

"just forget it." luke cried, and got up, leaving the room.

michael stood up, and walked out of the bedroom. he looked through all of the rooms, and found luke in one of the guest rooms, cuddling into the pillow as he cried.

"baby, i'm sorry." michael whispered, and walked over to luke, trying to pick him up, but the younger boy just curled into himself more.

michael sat on the edge of the bed, and pulled luke into his lap.

"i'm sorry for waking you up." luke whispered, and michael shook his head.

"don't apologize, luke. i promised you i would make you feel safe everyday, and i'm trying my best. i know i mess up, but if you need help, i want you to wake me up, okay?" michael said, and luke softly nodded, his head still on michael's shoulder.

"tell me what you dreamed about. michael whispered, rubbing luke's back.

"i dreamed that you were being really mean to me, and you were yelling, and i was yelling back, and then you started hitting me. i don't know why i dreamed that, but somehow i did."

michael wrapped his arms around luke completely, holding him tight.

"hey, don't worry about a thing sweetheart because you know i would never lay a finger on you like that. i know sometimes i can be a huge jerk, but i would never hit you." michael whispered.

"i know. it was just scary."

"it's all gonna be okay." michael whispered, pressing his lips to luke's temple as he rocked the younger boy back and forth.

muke one shots: vol. 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora