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Luke giggled as he pressed his forehead to Michael's.

Ashton held a small party at the 5sos house, but everyone was upstairs. Both of their rooms were empty but they were afraid someone would walk in on them.

They were in the tiny room under the stairs, only about 5 feet of space.

"We've gotta tell them, baby. We can't keep hiding," Michael laughed.

"We will soon, but sneaking around just knowing we could be caught any second really turns me on." Luke said, poking Michael's chest.

Michael laughed and pressed his lips to Luke's for a second. When he pulled back, he kept his forehead on the younger boy's.

"You're so pretty." Michael whispered, making Luke smile.

Michael dove his head into Luke's neck, and the blonde boy gripped Michael's side, leaning his head backwards as Michael placed kisses up and down. He searched for Luke's sweet spot, and smiled when he knew he had found it.  Luke gripped onto him tighter, pressing their bodies closer together.

Michael stopped when he could hear feet coming down the stairs. Michael quickly turned off the lights in the small room, and pulled Luke back into the corner.

"They have to be here somewhere. Both of their cars are here, and-"

"Look in there." Michael heard Calum say.

Michael held Luke to him, and wrapped a hand around his mouth, knowing Luke would just start laughing if someone opened the door.

"Why would they be in the storage space underneath the stairs, Calum?" Ashton asked sarcastically, and opened the door, letting light shine into the room.

Michael held Luke tight, and they stayed hidden.

"See? Why would you even tell me to look in there? That was a waste of time..." Michael heard.

"Well. That's our make out spot. I thought maybe they had the same idea. You never know what they could be up to. What if they're together?" Calum said, and both Luke and Michael's eyes widened.

He heard them talk as they walked back up the stairs.

"Ashton and Calum are together!" Luke whisper yelled as soon as Michael's hand was off of his mouth.

"Now we're not the only ones with a secret." Michael laughed.

"Come here.." Luke whispered, locking his lips onto Michael's once again.

muke one shots: vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now