calum hood blurb #10

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you finish the final touches on your food presentations, and then go outside to make sure all the tables are set up. you take a sigh of relief, and brush a hand through your hair. you feel his strong arms wrap around your waist, and his head rest in the crook of your neck. "this is going to be an amazing party sweet heart."

"ya think so?" you ask, "I know so." he comes around and kisses your lips, "why do I taste guacamole?" you ask, and it causes calum to smile that stupid smile that he does when he gets caught. "caluummmmmm ugh!" you drag out, "I cant help it! its not my fault that my wife is an amazing fucking cook!" you smile when the word wife effortlessly rolls off his tongue. even though you had only bee married for a week and a half, the title y/n hood still amazed you.

he pulls you closer to him by your hips, "babe, there will be plenty to eat after the party is over." "mmm, whats that supposed to mean?" the door bell rings at perfect timing for you, "it means whatever you want it to mean babe." you walk inside, towards the door. making sure to sway your hips a little extra.

the party is going lovely, everyone is enjoying them selves and having a wonderful time. everyone finds their way outside to where you and calum made a makeshift dance floor. you are inside, putting away food into the fridge. calum notices he cant find you and he goes inside.

"babe, what are you doing?" he asks, "putting away food. I dont want it to get room temperature." you announce, and a slow song starts to come on. you feel calum twirl you, just like he did on our first dance, and bring you close.

"cal, the food is gonna get ruined if I dont put it in the fridge!" he laughs and sways around in circles. "I missed this." "missed what?" "I dont just. us, alone. nobody to bother us. I wish it could be like this all the time." you smiled into his chest.

"me too mr. hood. me too." 

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