harry holland blurb #12

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-harry first of all,,,,loves rainy days

-cause that means

-he gets to stay inside all day

-he gets to cuddle with Tessa

-or you

-better yet: both of you

-so you guys would be playing video games

-then boom

-lights, tv, everything goes out

"harry what did you do now"

-"I didnt do anything! its the fucking rain!" 

-because its fall, and in the fall, the temperature drops

-soft!harry will come out

-he would cuddle you til the end of time

-because harry is a wonderful cuddler, you would fall asleep on his chest

-and when the boys come home

-they find this cute

-because harry cant really get up

-cause if he does, he will wake you and he doesnt want that

-but he is fine with that

-but the boys tease him

-but he doesnt care

-cause he loves this

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