Pandora's Box

144 6 7

"Underpaid Team😨"

Mamalone: you know, my day was terrible

Ham: it's 10 in the morning.

Mamalone: I said what I meant, and I meant what I said

Pineapple: what happened, friend? :(

Mamalone: boy what did you just call me💀

Pineapple: you're my friend, aren't you?

Mamalone: sure ig? No need to address me like that though 😭 you sound like fucking Mickey Mouse💀

HatGoesHahaFunny: anyways, what happened Mel? Is there anything we can help you with?

Mamalone: not really. I think I just made a comment that Ghia didn't like and now he's mad at me

GenderfluidMirror: ooooo trouble in paradise!

Cheese: he's always mad at everything and everyone, how are you surprised?

Mamalone: because I genuinely think I left him speechless

IGotTheMilk: why do you think that?

Mamalone: cuz bro never spoke to me again💀

NoMilkIce: okay let's go step by step. What did you say to him?

Mamalone: I might or might not have said that he looked like he had gained weight???

Cheese: bro opened Pandora's box💀

HatGoesHahaFunny: I don't have time for this, it's fucking Thanksgiving CAN WE EAT THE TURKEY IN PEACE LIKE A NORMAL FAMILY????

IGotTheMilk: Melone!! You know how he is when it comes to his body!

Mamalone: I know but it was a joke!! I didn't think he'd take it that seriously?? Besides, I like a little meat to hold onto iykwim😼

Ham: besides tf, I think he's getting SKINNIER. Where the hell did you get that idea from???

IGotTheMilk: my son is sad now
IGotTheMilk: I hate you Mel😭

Mamalone: Your hatred towards me is irrelevant, cuz I hate myself even more😍👍

Pineapple: have you tried apologizing to him?


Pineapple: I'm just trying to help T__T

HatGoesHahaFunny: you're lucky he didn't beat you into oblivion. Ghiaccio doesn't take shit from anyone

Cheese: bro speaks from experience

NoMilkIce: yeah at this point I believe he'd do the same as the boss, and send Diavolo into a death loop

Ham: nah but Diavolo just wanted to keep his identity a secret.

GenderfluidMirror: well I understand. If I dressed like that, I'd also want to erase my existence💀

HatGoesHahaFunny: that doesn't matter, he got what he deserved. But if you talk to him seriously, I'm sure he'll forgive you, Mel

Mamalone: I will. Besides, he's out of town, right now. I'm sure he'll miss me sooner or later 🤩

IGotTheMilk: you seem so sure about that statement...

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Elsa: I'm back

Pineapple: bro what are you doing home?🗿

Elsa: ?????
Elsa: I LIVE HERE???

Mamalone: Ghiaaaaaa😚

Elsa: do not address to me.

IGotTheMilk: I'll get the popcorn

Mamalone: you know I'm sorry, right? I didn't mean to make you feel bad

Elsa: Congratulations. You failed miserably.

Mamalone: but I generally fail in life!
Mamalone: look, I admit it was a stupid comment, and I'll never do it again. Can you forgive me Ghia?

Elsa: duh I make fun of you all the time, it would be unfair if I didn't.


Elsa: for the last time, that's nOT A WORD

Pineapple: Ghia, why don't you drink some tea and then go to sleep? 😃

Elsa: shut up Mickey, I want turkey

HatGoesHahaFunny: THANK YOU
HatGoesHahaFunny: now can we be a normal family on Thanksgiving and PLEASE gather around this DAMN TABLE, compare each one of us to the boss and how miserable we are compared to the 16 year old, complain about the government, and make fun of Formaggio cuz bro is neurodivergent and can't UNDERSTAND THAT YOU CANNOT TOUCH THE TURKEY RIGHT AFTER IT COMES OUT OF THE OVEN???


GenderfluidMirror: ah... I love Thanksgiving...

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