Sex On A Stick

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A/N: do you know that feeling when you love a character so much and relate to them so bad, that you just wanna write their suffering? Yeah, poor Fugo. Sex talk and existential crisis ahead. Beware



MommyShark: you know, I'm starting to think that moving you guys to the villa wasn't the best idea @/HatGoesHahaFunny

HatGoesHahaFunny: I am
HatGoesHahaFunny: so sorry about this

Girlboss: you're corrupting Narancia!

Cheese: whaaatt we just went to do Parkour!

Doraemon: YEAH, IN OUR BASE💀💀💀
Doraemon: where the seventeen of us, you know, WORK

⁉️: It was fun while it lasted. It won't be fun cleaning up, though☹️

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Pudding: Mamma mia, what the hell happened to the base???

Mamalone: Parkour 😍

TheGoldenSucc: man, now I gotta put my desk outside to dry off the smell of bleach...
TheGoldenSucc: Mista, help me get the desk to the balcony

⁉️: pfft, please Giogio, only triangles can fit through that rectangular window!

Pudding: huh???

⁉️: shit wait no, those are rectangles, I'm stupid...

Pineapple: are you sure you're not high??

EmoGworl: you gotta go back to school, the Christmas holidays are doing you no good...

GenderfluidMirror: also dude @/Pudding where the hell were you? You were supposed to be at the base an hour ago!

Pudding: yeah shit, I'm sorry, I had another episode tonight

TheGoldenSucc: yeah I let him sleep a little longer. Are you feeling better?

Pudding: yeah, I'm good now, thanks

MommyShark: well, that's good. Hope you're ready for some paperwork

Pudding: I love this business....

Doraemon: nah just wait a second now
Doraemon: Bruno, Bible question

MommyShark: ask away

Doraemon: lust is a sin, right?

MommyShark: you're damn right it is
MommyShark: "Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body" Corinthians 6:18

Doraemon: then I have another question
Doraemon: why do you and Abbacchio fuck?
Doraemon: seriously. I'm at my limit. My room is right next to yours

Cheese: LNFAO


EmoGworl: now, that has nothing to do with you, right?

MommyShark: well, Mista, guess what?! We're all humans! We sin! ESPECIALLY US, who are in the mafia.

Doraemon: then why are you christian, if you're not following God's rules?

MommyShark: oh Mista, it's faith... it's hard to explain

GenderfluidMirror: truly, I mean I might have some serious religious trauma, but even I know that faith is what can save a person sometimes. Even I still pray, from time to time!

Doraemon: That's interesting

⁉️: yeah, especially the other night, when I left church and found this one guy in the launderettes. Dude, he was fucking this chick over the drier machine💀

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