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Chapter 48: Legend

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85_85664 Xiang Yi watched Gu Ning give the crystal nucleus to Cheng Ming so casually, pursed his lips, clenched the two crystal nuclei in his hand, and then the corners of his mouth were extremely reluctant, and he turned Jia Daochang next to him twice with his elbow, and handed over a crystal nucleus.

Jia Daochang's slender eyes widened, and he looked at the crystal nucleus and pointed at himself: "For me?"

Xiang Yi pouted: "Well, for the sake of your help."

"Hehe, how embarrassing do you think that?" Jia Daochang said that he was embarrassed, but he quickly grabbed the crystal nucleus in his hand, and silently thought in his heart that he would never lose his temper because Xiang Yi called himself a magic stick in the future.

Then the people with the crystal nucleus in their hands all found a place to lie down, and then swallowed the crystal nucleus into their mouths very solemnly.

Gu's father and Gu's mother were a little nervous, and Gu's mother asked worriedly, "Can you swallow such a big piece in?" Do you want to drink water?

Gu Ning calmed them down for a while.

They nervously put the crystal nucleus into their mouths.

It didn't take long for them to fall asleep one by one.

Xiang Yi had already tried many times, and this time he swallowed the crystal nucleus and didn't fall asleep, but leaned against the wall to let Xiang Xu feel his ability fluctuations.

Those who didn't get this opportunity were a little disappointed and ate breakfast in silence.

Seeing this, the third brother said: "Don't lose your face, from tomorrow onwards, let's go out every day to kill zombies and engage in crystal nuclei."

"That's right. I can only try to get more crystal nuclei before most people react now, otherwise I am afraid that it will become more and more difficult in the future. Gu Ning said. It is conceivable that if the news of the crystal nucleus is spread, it may trigger a rush to hunt zombies, which is of course a good thing. But the premise is that she must ensure that her people evolve first, so that she can maintain her strength in future battles.

Gu Ning had a faint premonition in his heart that as the human race became stronger and stronger, zombies would not be their only enemy. In the future, with the scarcity of supplies, the war between people will become more and more intense, even more cruel than the war between zombies, and now, everything is just beginning.

And grasping this time to enhance strength will have a great effect on the future wars of both humans and zombies.

Hearing the third brother say this to Gu Ning, they cheered up a little.

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