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Pen name: OwnerOfTajMahal

Username: OwnerOfTajMahal

If your name your legal name? If no, then how did you make up one?

Well my surname is Mumtaz and if we go back to class 7 history classes, then Mumtaz Mahal was the one for whom Shah Jahan made Taj Mahal and one day while we had history class, I was the only one in 52 students who had the name memorized. Lol! And I still know that name by heart. And like that my friends jokes about me being OwnerOfTajMahal and boom, the day I joined twitter, I kept my username as OwnerOfTajMahal and if u wanna connect with me anywhere in social network, just search this and I'm thr. Only in Instagram the name has underscore otherwise everywhere its the same name as wattpad.

How many books have you published till date?

Wattpad 34-35 I guess and zero in paperback but one day, in shaa Allah.

What are your future projects?

Some stuffs that I guess I will work on. Spirituals, poems, jokes and comedy ;)

What is writing to you?

Ahh, it was just a time pass at first but now I guess my stress relief. I feel like when into pressure, I write more amazing even while writing I feel this won't be a hit thing but IDK how my readers see that one thing in my books and be like mate, you made this the best chapter. Writing is like that one place where I'm not judged on looks or physical thing but where my heart and soul is been judged which I guess is more important to me. I see the beauty of heart and not of physical stuff.

Is being an author, your long time dream or a hidden passion you found out later?

To be honest, I use to hate literature before class 7 but when I started reading books I was so much into it that I was like man, I love this. My favorite authors were the real heros of my life. When in class 10 when I was into music I started writing fanfics(not on wattpad) and then I found my writing talent. I incorporated my religion because if you know, media house is always ready to prove that every Muslim is terrorist so just to show them what it's like to be Muslim, I started writing. My non Muslim friend loved my work and encouraged me. And then wattpad happened to me and boom, I'm here fellas!

What genre books do you like to work on?

Spiritual, comedy, poems. Mix tbh.

If we challenge you to write a book of another genre we suggest, then would you take it up?

Why not? I'm ready for challenges, yeah I might fail but never stop trying. ;)

Then we would like to read a Warewolf genre book from you soon.

Writing is a reality that paints a beautiful fantasy. What do you think are the charms of writing fiction/non-fiction?

Story line. I'll say that writing is no easy thing and without a good story line, you will end up without that charm. Non fiction are real life stuffs mostly and I admire that genre a lot. It takes guts to write down such things. For fiction, you can't write amazing if you don't let your brain come out of its comfort zone and to make amazing things even if you fear that readers won't appreciate. It take a lot of efforts and even if people don't appreciate writers that much in this 21st century, but people who still publish books and write are heroes. Legends.

Who are your favorite authors in and out of wattpad?:

In wattpad, its Hayatkhan07, hopesprayersnsmiles, zernainyour_amazyn if I'm not wrong with username. They are awesome. There are few who are trying hard and I appreciate them as well. The fact is not all are perfect but I really appreciate the effort more. And even being busy with house, studies and stuffs, they write which make me admire them the most. As for outside wattpad, Khaled Hosseini has to be on top, then its Ruskin bond, Agatha Christie, Orhan Pamuk. Amazing. Legends.

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