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Pen Name: I go by Lizzie.

Username:  bvtterflyeffect

Is you pen name you legal name? If no, then how did you make up one?

It's actually my middle name! I wanted to use a name that still had a part of me in it and even though I'm a very private person since Lizzie is pretty common, I thought I'd take my chances and go by that.

How many books have you published till date?

I've published 5 books so far!

What are your future projects?

I have so many, haha. I have around 38 drafts on Wattpad but only 5 of them are being considered. I have two books that I want to pump out as soon as I'm finished with my latest one because I'm super excited about the concepts!

What is writing to you?

Writing is a lot of things to me and it's too hard to explain in words. I guess to me, it's a hobby, a passion and an escape; it's what brings me joy. It gives me the opportunity to build my own world with my own characters and to make the rules. Basically, writing to me gives me the freedom to write and say what I want or feel about a particular topic or theme through my characters without being judged.

Is being an author, your longtime dream or a hidden passion you found out later?

I've been writing since I was around ten and have always loved to create situations that would never happen to me in real life so I think it was a passion that had always been there but never taken seriously until I was around fifteen. I wanted to be a part of the community that was able to make people smile just through their stories. That was when I realised that I really love writing. No matter how bad I am, I want to keep doing it for as long as I can and go on a journey with my beloved readers.

What genre of books do you like to work on?

I am a huge sucker for Romance even though I hate the idea of it in real life, haha. It's so weird because I write about it like I'm some expert but in reality, I have no clue. I also do Teen Fiction and Historical fiction but with every genre, there's always Romance that I include because, without it, I feel like I don't know what I'm doing.

If we challenge you to write a book about another genre we suggest, then would you take it up?

Ooh, that's interesting! I mean, as long as I can include romance in it (lol) I'm up for anything! I definitely cannot do anything that's sci-fi because my imagination is very limited when it comes to making dystopian worlds. I had a couple of werewolf books that I had written ages ago but I felt so out of my comfort zone that I stopped. But, honestly, I don't mind a good challenge because it'll help me expand my creativity and help me become better as a writer, even if the book doesn't turn out good.

Then we would like to read a Humor-Fantasy genre book from you soon.

Writing is a reality that paints a beautiful fantasy. What do you think are the charms of writing fiction/non-fictional books?

It gives us writers freedom that you really can't find anywhere else in the real world. In reality, you only live one life but when you write, you're living a new life in a different world each time and I think that''s beautiful. When life brings me down, I can always take comfort in the world that is extremely different from mine and with the characters that I've weirdly bonded with as if they're real human beings. It's being able to share our experiences through our writing and in each and every story, there is a part of us that always shines through and I think that's the magic and charm of writing.

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