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Pen Name: world_joy_

Username: world_joy_

Is your pen name your legal name? If no, then how did you make up one?

My pen name is not my legal name...Funny story of how it came about...I was on this ragtag sports team and we were really low on funds, so we had to make our own "uniform" t-shirts...we all wanted to put "nicknames" on the back of our "jerseys" (I'm putting a lot of infasis markers because the shirts consisted of dollar store spray painted disasters) and well...the team made the shirt for me because I was busy that day and the nickname sort of stuck ever since...and it is a play on for my own name

How many books have you published till date?

How many books have I published? Um...I can't count this all in my head... I've had a few on Wattpad that I've taken down because they were trash (does that count?) I do have articles and poems published outside of Wattpad, but those are not books...so I guess...10?

What are your future projects?

Future projects right now are posting updates on my two stories "Forgotten" and "Red Glory"

What is writing to you?

Writing to me is an...outlet...It's where I can dump my feelings and create something good from it.

Is being an author, your long time dream or a hidden passion you found out later?

No, I don't plan on becoming an author. I have different dreams that I have had for a while now and am working towards. As I said already, writing is just an outlet for me so I don't do anything rash in my daily life.

What genre books you like to work on?

Genre of books...I love fantasy, but for some reason or another, I write a lot of Werewolf...I guess that could be considered fantasy in a way, but the genre sucked me in because the creatures themselves are powerful and lost...distant yet close...they can be human yet act like monsters in a justified way...I find that appealing when writing.

If we challenge you to write a book of another genre we suggest, then would you take it up?

If you challenge me to write in another genre I would be all for it. I love challenges. I'm a secretively competitive person (I don't admit it out loud very often because it shocks people of just HOW competitive I can be). Yet at the same time, I'm super laid back (when it comes to writing) and do what I want, so I would do it...but only if it appealed to me.

Then we would love to read a book with any other shapeshifter other than werewolf, from you soon.

Writing is a reality that paints a beautiful fantasy. What do you think are the charms of writing fiction/non fictional books?

The charms to writing is basically what you are asking me...I'm going to lay this straight and put it out right and there...there is nothing charming about writing. True writing is baring your soul and exposing things you would rather not think about. I don't find writing 'charming' or 'cute' - a better word for me is 'harrowing' or 'transcending' ...my writing...well my writing does not create a beautiful fantasy because I do not live in a beautiful reality...so I have no way to imagine or create what that would be like...in some of my works I do have an ending that seems beautiful, but that is superficial. That ending came with much hardship and darkness...so to finally get to your question, there is no charm that I can see in writing. It's a painful process that sucks me in and allows for me to dump my unwanted thoughts. Unless you find that charming?

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