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Pen Name: Noora Zaroon

Username: DelhiBelly

Is your pen name your legal name? If no, then how did you make up one?

No, my pen name is not my legal name. I took the names of my favourite two TV characters, Noora Amalie Saetre from Skam and Zaroon Junaid from Zindagi Gulzar Hai, and combined the two together to come up with one name. It even sounds legit, like a proper legal name, and also I love how Zaroon is mostly just Noora spelled backwards when you look at it (minus the Z of course).

How many books have you published till date?

I have published two books on Wattpad as of yet, but I plan on writing quite a few of them.

What are your future projects?

I have a Google document where I have very shortly listed about 10-12 proper ideas for different books. I plan on tackling each idea one by one, taking that idea and fleshing it out on an Excel sheet chapter by chapter before actually getting down to writing it followed by editing and some polishing to finish it off. My second book is quite similar to my first book and that happened accidentally but now I am more conscious of writing more varied works. For example, in the book I am currently writing, Left/Right, the protagonist is a children's author and her book is called Laxman Sathaye's Gully Adventures. Right now, I am kind of fiddling with the idea of giving Laxman his own spin off. I have yet to come across a book on Wattpad where the protagonist is a child. But then again, I am yet to see how feasible it would be and if it would make for a proper plot with a conflict driving the narrative. So yeah, I am working on that along with my third book which I am pondering over in the back of my head while I write my second book, Left/Right. The third one would be quite different from my first two books and I can't wait for my readers to read it. Apparently they say my writing in the second book has matured more compared to my first book but when they see the third one...maturity would have peaked ha ha. Right now I am interested in writing romance and elevating it as a genre but my third book is not strictly about romance. Like that popular line goes, it's a story about love, not a love story.

What is writing to you?

Writing to me is coming up with the perfect story that you as a reader would want to read. I mainly started writing on Wattpad because the books I wanted to read were not being written so I thought to hell with it, I will write what I want to read myself and after all these years, I have come to the realization that it's the best form of customisation. As if you are customising a story to your own specific tastes.

Is being an author, your long time dream or a hidden passion you found out later?

I would say somewhere in between. As a child, I had always been a voracious reader and when I entered middle school, I somewhat played with the idea of writing a book but the couple of stories that I did write were all written in a notebook and without any audience since I didn't show it to anyone. I was also always very fearful that my parents would find the notebook and laugh at what I had written. As a writer, I have always been very insecure about my own works, which is probably why I use a pseudonym as a writer even today. Anyway, but then I saw one of my seniors from school had liked this Facebook page of an online writing platform called Launchora and when I joined, I suddenly had a potential audience. But Launchora at the time was meant to be for short stories and poems (don't know about now) and one of my readers there, seeing how I would release my story chapter by chapter, recommended Wattpad to be better suited to my needs. So to answer your question after this whole unnecessary saga, I had always toyed with the idea of writing but that was done very casually and I only found it to be an intense hidden passion after I discovered that you can write your stories online.

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