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Pen Name: Asfar Noor

Username: AsfarNoor

Is your pen name your legal name? If no, then how did you make up one?

Pretty Much. I do have a middle name though.

I just went with my original name. I don't know, I thought hard on creating a pen name for days straight, even asked my family and friends for suggestions but in the end, I don't know but Asfar Noor just clicked for me.

How many books have you published till date?

Well, seven books so far. I have completed four of them Alhamdulilah. Originally, there were eight books but I had to unpublish one which I am planning to bring back once I complete my current books InshaAllah.

What are your future projects?

Well, there is 'His Possession' which will be the third book of the Obsession series focusing on Damien's life. Also, there are chances I might republish a book I started some time ago called Frail and Fierce but for now, I am just focusing on completing the three current projects that I have. And I have some other surprises planned as well.

What is writing to you?

It is a lot of things for me. Escape comes on the top of the list. We all have problems in our life, writing was my way to escape those and distract myself. I originally wrote for myself but then people started to like what I write so now writing is like my way of connecting with people all over the world. It is a beautiful feeling really.

Is being an author, your long time dream or a hidden passion you found out later?

Honestly? It is something in between. I have always loved writing. I used to love creative and abstract writing from a very young age and then there were times when I would watch or read something and if I didn't like the ending or any part of the story, I would think of how I would have preferred to write it instead. Oh, plus I have this wild imagination that I love bringing to reality by penning it down so there is that. So, if I had to answer this question, I would say a little bit of both. I have loved writing but becoming a proper author is a passion I discovered recently once people started to love my works and tell me how much they enjoy it.

What genre books you like to work on?

Romantic Comedies.

If we challenge you to write a book of another genre we suggest, then would you take it up?

Definitely. I would love a challenge but I absolutely despise tragedy and horror so anything apart from that, I would love to try.

Then we would like to read a Fantasy Romedy genre book from you soon.

Writing is a reality that paints a beautiful fantasy. What do you think are the charms of writing fiction/non fictional books?

I believe everyone has a story to tell. Everyone has a story they connect with. There are memories attached to it along with feelings of that particular time and experience. Books have the power to make you feel emotions you didn't even know you had. It can make you feel alive or anything that it wants and I think that is an amazing thing. It can bring your wildest dreams and hopes to life. Things you can't possibly imagine doing in real life can be made possible with writing. Moreover, I love to write books that make the readers feel what I feel and unite under that feeling.

Who are your favorite authors in and out of wattpad?

Well my absolute favorites on Wattpad are Sir Robert Thier(RobThier), Katarina E Tonks(katrocks247) and Neilani Alejandrino (sweetdreamer33). I am also very fond of (AlexiaPraks)Alexia Praks' 'In the Arms of an Earl' and (isabelleronin)Isabelle Ronin's 'Chasing Red'. I haven't really had the time to discover other books or authors but I love the books by these authors. Also, I haven't read a lot of authors outside of Wattpad either but I really like Judith McNaught, Khalid Hosseini and Rupi Kaur.

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