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Pen Name: Everleigh Ashcroft

Username: EverleighAshcroft

Is your pen name your legal name? If no, then how did you make up one?

It's not my legal name. I chose it cause I wanted something that'd stand out to readers and sound pretty at the same time.

How many books have you published till date?

I've published 7 novels as of Oct 2019.

What are your future projects?

I have plans for 9 more novels already, 4 of which should release within the next year and a half.

What is writing to you?

To me, writing is a fun way to escape regular life and get lost in another world from another point of view. Writing in first person, I love getting to basically live numerous lives within my own, if that makes sense.

Is being an author, your long time dream or a hidden passion you found out later?

I always wanted to write a book, but never considered it for a career until I put in the effort to write my first novel in 2013 and discovered how much I loved it.

What genre books you like to work on?

I love writing romance; predominately romantic suspense. I've also written a cookbook and I'm considering branching out into another genre in the future.

If we challenge you to write a book of another genre we suggest, then would you take it up?

Not at this time. I have too many other projects in the works.

Writing is a reality that paints a beautiful fantasy. What do you think are the charms of writing fiction/non fictional books?

I don't think there's any right answer for that, as everyone sees it differently. Regardless of the type of book, writing should always be something that makes the writer feel like they're engaging in something very special.

Who are your favorite authors in and out of wattpad?

My favorite authors include Sierra Kincade, Lora Leigh, Julie Kenner, and Audrey Carlan.

Name few of your close wattpad friends.

My favorite Wattpader, whose writing journey I've adored being a part of, is Myla-Beckett

What is your favorite series you have recently watched or read?

I LOVED Shadowhunters. I'm still devastated it ended. (I'd gladly accept Dom Sherwood as my Christmas present, if anyone's thinking of getting me something)

Who is your favorite actor/actress?

I adore so many. If I have to choose a few... Nina Dobrev, Katherine McNamara, Jaina Lee Ortiz, Alberto Frezza, Brant Daugherty.

Who is your favorite Villain you couldn't help but love?

Mona in Pretty Little Liars.

What are your hobbies other than writing and reading?

Photography, cooking, climbing volcanoes, world travel.

What are your hidden talents?

Interior design.

Who is your first celebrity crush?

Drake Bell.

What is the most embarrassing situation that you have ever been through?

I once congratulated a couple on getting married only to find out they'd been married 10 years.

One craziest thing you have ever done?

Climbed an active volcano.

There are many authors who just started their journey and many readers who want to write but has no courage to do so. Please give them a tip and a word of encouragement.

Dive in & enjoy it. You have nothing to lose & everything to gain.

Last but not the least, have you ever dreamt of writing your own comic?


What do you feel about this interview?

Thanks for letting me be a part of this!

Hope you had a great time answering our questions. We appreciate you for your beautiful works and also spending valuable time with us.

We wish you to write many more successful stories and be a bestselling author one day.

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