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Pen Name: Mahum Sheikh

Username: Mahumsheikh

Is your pen name your legal name? If no, then how did you make up one?


How many books have you published till date?

In the chronological order,

Loving the Devil

What the heart wants

Perfect Scars

Someone like Adam

The man she betrayed

The troublemaker's return

What are your future projects?

I'm planning on writing a supernatural story, "Chasing sapphire" which is completely different than all the other werewolves stories you read on Wattpad and after that, I might write a love story of a saddened widow who doesn't believe in falling in love twice.

What is writing to you?

Writing for me is an escape from the stress of life. It enables me to bring my imagination to life and let others enjoy it too. Besides, having so many supporting people encourage me really boast my morale.

Is being an author, your long time dream or a hidden passion you found out later?

It's my hidden passion that I just found out a year ago. I never thought I could write something, anything. Even when I started my first story, my plan was not writing actually. I was just checking the features of Wattpad like how a writer creates covers and how each new chapter is added. One thing led to another and I ended up finishing that story.

What genre books you like to work on?

My favorite genre to write is teen fiction but I like to experiment. I like writing mystery and drama too and I am really excited to write a supernatural book as well.

If we challenge you to write a book of another genre we suggest, then would you take it up?

Sure, because as I said, I like to experiment in writing. But please, no historical or science fiction if you don't want me to fail miserably.

Then we would love to read a fantasy genre book from you soon.

Writing is a reality that paints a beautiful fantasy. What do you think are the charms of writing fiction/non fictional books?

I like to write fiction because I like to paint a picture which I, a proud nerd (hehe), would never be able to experience. Reality is quite depressive, to be honest. Plus, you get to change the scenes as your own mood. If I am sad, you get a sad chapter. If I am happy, you get a cute lovey-dovey chapter.

Who are your favorite authors in and out of wattpad?

In Wattpad,  is my favorite. Outside of Wattpad, I haven't read much English books. I would like to say that among all the books I have read, I liked Khalid Hosseini's "The Kite runner" the most.

Name few of your close wattpad friends.


What is your favorite series you have recently watched or read?

I watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S a lot, like almost 7-8 episodes every day. If we are talking about a recent series then Suits.

Who is your favorite actor/actress?

I don't have a favorite actor or actress. If I have to, I'll choose Jim Parsons as my favourite actor and Ellen Pompeo as favourite actress.

Who is your favorite Villain you couldn't help but love?

Niklaus Mikaelson, the Original hybrid.

What are your hobbies other than writing and reading?

During my free time, I mostly watch YouTube videos and Sitcoms. I used to do painting in school but I don't have time for it anymore.

What are your hidden talents?

My hidden talent is probably acting. Nobody know this but I have spent my childhood holed up in my bedroom and acting out scenes of TV series or movies.

Who is your first celebrity crush?

My first crush was a character of an Indian Tv serial. I don't know if anybody would remember him because it was almost a decade ago. For Indian fellas out there, do you remember Armaan Malik?

What is the most embarrassing situation that you have ever been through?

The list of my embarrassing situations is quite long. The recent one would be when a teacher asked me to walk in different awkward manners in front of the whole class because he was teaching us various gaits associated with neurological diseases.

One craziest thing you have ever done?

Does watching a horror movie alone count? What can I say, I'm an introvert with strict parents.

There are many authors who just started their journey and many readers who want to write but has no courage to do so. Please give them a tip and a word of encouragement.

If you want to write, just do it without over-thinking because that's what I did. If you're writing on Wattpad then cover and name matters a lot. Besides, I'd say start with a popular genre and once you have enough audience, you can write whatever you want.

Last but not the least, have you ever dreamt of writing your own comic?

No, I don't like comics at all.

What do you feel about this interview?

I really enjoyed it. You made me realize what a boring person I am! Just kidding. It was really fun and you reminded me of my long forgotten crushes (and embarrassing moments). Thanks for that!

Hope you had a great time answering our questions. We appreciate you for your beautiful works and also spending valuable time with us.

We wish you to write many more successful stories and be a bestselling author one day.

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