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Pen Name: Anna M.L. Koski

Username: AMLKoski

Is your pen name your legal name? If no, then how did you make up one?

It is actually. I changed my name to my pen name a while back. So it is my full and legal name!

How many books have you published till date?

I have one published novel, Broken, which is a sci-fi romance. And on wattpad I have 12 completed books that consist of one non-fiction, one stand alone short story, two novella series one of which is humor based, then my large main series. I also have a poetry book but it's far from completed (if such a thing can be completed at all that is) I also have a collab profile with my best friend TeaNHeartache where we have three completed books in our series and are working on our fourth.

What are your future projects?

Well I need to finish my Forgotten series (book 6 needs to wrap up and I am then working on book 7) and then I need to finish Twisted Dark series (need to write book 4 of the series) and Modern Cliche series (I need to write up book 3 of this series). Once those are done I'm not sure exactly but I've got some ideas rattling around in my head.

What is writing to you?

Writing is... It's hard to explain really. I've been writing longer than I haven't been. It's been over sixteen years. I started when I was eleven so it's practically a part of who I am now. Writing for me is a necessity, like breathing. It's become such a part of me that I doubt I could remove it now.

Is being an author, your long time dream or a hidden passion you found out later?

Well as I stated, I've been at it since I was 11. So I'm pretty much been at it for longer than I haven't. So it's a source of pride for me. My biggest thing when I was younger was simply finishing a story. I've now finished thirteen with three collab books done as well. So younger is proud and content.

What genre books you like to work on?

Currently it's paranormal romance but I flit in and out of a lot of genres depending on my mood. I've dabbled a tiny bit in poetic writing in short form to humor to sci-fi to fantasy to historical fiction. So while I am in paranormal romance right now, that is not my set in stone.

If we challenge you to write a book of another genre we suggest, then would you take it up?

It really depends on the genre. I am no good with mystery, horror, or thriller.

So those three are out but any other genre is fair game. I am completely down for it. Probably already have an idea written out for it somewhere in the mess of my writing folder.

Then we would love to read a modern Time Travel genre book from you soon.

Writing is a reality that paints a beautiful fantasy. What do you think are the charms of writing fiction/non fictional books?

Both have their unique charms. Writing fiction books allows you to create this vast and wondrous world that no one has ever seen before. They get a glimpse into this never before experienced setting and universe you have created. That is so very magical in my opinion. People seeing and experiencing a world that only existed inside your mind.

As for non-fiction it's charm is the reality of it all. It shows the nitty gritty, unable to be hidden, reality of the world we live in. Sometimes its hard to swallow and other times you want to laugh or cry or scream because you are so mad but it's this process of showcasing life and reality in a way that connects readers to the actuality of living on this earth.

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