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Pen Name: Shantoyawalker

Username: shantoyawalker

Is you pen name you legal name? If no, then how did you make up one?

Yes. It's my middle and last name combined.

How many books have you published till date?

On wattpad, 7. But I've recently unpublished a few in order to edit them.

What are you future projects?

Apart from the books I'm editing, I'm currently working on a mafia romance.

What is writing to you?

To me, writing is a fun, exciting way of sharing your ideas to people and edexpressing yourself the way you want to, because speaking is harder than writing.

Is being an author, your long time dream or a hidden passion you found out later?

I never even thought about writing. Ever. So I would say it's a hidden passion.

What genre books you like to work on?

Definitely romance

If we challenge you to write a book of another genre we suggest, then would you take it up?

Hmmm... Maybe. I guess it would be a nice challenge for me to take up

Then we would like to read a Paranormal Romance genre book from you soon.

Writing is a reality that paints a beautiful fantasy. What do you think are the charms of writing fiction/non fictional books?

As you said, writing is a beautiful fantasy! Writing fiction is an amazing way for writers to express themselves in their own unique way. They sit down, imagine a scenario and think about how to write a captivating story around it. As for non fiction, it's all about making real life situations come to life through a story.

Who are your favorite authors in and out of wattpad?

I wouldn't really say I have a favorite. I've read many books, and to me. They all captivate me

Name few of your close wattpad friends.

I don't have any close friends, but definitely some good friends.

What is your favorite series you have recently watched or read?

Supernatural. Power. The flash.

Who is your favorite actor/actress?

Honestly, I don't have a favorite

Who is your favorite Villain you couldn't help but love?


What are your hobbies other than writing and reading?

Graphic designing

What are your hidden talents?

Art. Designing.

Who is your first celebrity crush?

None, actually, but I find a lot of them sexy

What is the most embarrassing situation that you have ever been through?

I laughed untilI per myself in 7th grade. Not mention when I was running from a dog and fell flat on my face in front of everyone. So I would say that's the two most embarrassing situations.

One craziest thing you have ever done?

Tried experimenting with gass and matches

There are many authors who just started their journey and many readers who want to write but has no courage to do so. Please give them a tip and a word of encouragement.

Just write. Even when you don't feel like doing it, or you don't feel good enough. Keep writing.

Last but not the least, have you ever dreamt of writing your own comic?

No, I've never dreamt of writing my own comic. But who knows, maybe one day I will!

What do you feel about this interview?

Well, I feel it is very... interesting. As a matter of fact, very good. Amazing! Both writers and readers will get to know more about each other, what's going in in each others head, and possible become inspired.

Hope you had a great time answering our questions. We appreciate you for your beautiful works and also spending valuable time with us.

We wish you to write many more successful stories and be a bestselling author one day.

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