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Pen Name: Elizabeth H. Blake

Username: LibbyBlake

Is your pen name your legal name? If no, then how did you make up one?

It isn't my real name, no. I liked the mystery of having another identity, like a superhero alter ego, and I also wanted to keep my work outside of my "main" life. Elizabeth is my real middle name, the 'H' stands for Holly (a nod to my love of Christmas), and I've always liked the name Blake.

How many books have you published till date?

Technically I've written 5. My first Wattpad story I finished seven years ago and it's horrendous, don't read it, but I keep it up to showcase to myself how far I've improved in writing. I've written a werewolf trilogy and I'm currently writing the second book in my duology, Typhoon & Tempest.

What are your future projects?

I like this question because the answer is endless. I have two books on hold that I'd like to finish at some point, but next for me is a fantasy standalone I think. I plan on writing it for National Novel Writing Month this year to be uploaded on Wattpad for 2020.

What is writing to you?

I started to write when I was twelve, inspired by my older sister who is an author, and at first it was me trying to see if I could do what she could, if there was something for me here as well. Over the years it became an escape from school and dramas/bad events and eventually morphed into a love of creating worlds. If I can give someone an escape from a bad situation by writing a book, showing that things can improve and it's going to be alright, it would mean the world - the world I've created - was worth it.

Is being an author, your long time dream or a hidden passion you found out later?

A mix of both, honestly. At first it was a hidden passion, one that I deliberately hid from everyone outside of Wattpad, and then it formed into a dream for me. It would be an absolute pleasure to be able to write professionally, to travel and see my books in people's hands. Here's hoping it becomes a reality!

What genre books you like to work on?

I like paranormal/supernatural, young adult, stories that empower people (with a dash of romance and cliffhangers). I definitely lean more into Fantasy but I'd like to branch and try my hand at a few other genres as well. Wattpad is a perfect place to try and I have no reason not to.

If we challenge you to write a book of another genre we suggest, then would you take it up?

Maybe! I have ideas tucked away for several other genres and if your suggestion matches an idea I already have, I'll give it a go. However, I should finish my duology first, and my two books on hold, I owe my readers that before I dive into something else.

Then we would love to read a very Humorous Romance book from you soon.

Writing is a reality that paints a beautiful fantasy. What do you think are the charms of writing fiction/non fictional books?

Great question! Leigh Bardugo, a New York Times best selling author, captured it beautifully recently - saying that we are all still searching for the world hidden at the back of our wardrobes. For fiction, it's an escape from our lives. A chance to fly with angels, run with wolves, and dream amongst stars. For non-fiction, it's an insight into what our own lives could become and path to follow or not. How quickly can one's life change from reading a book? How many times have we changed from reading a single chapter, or a blurb, or a memoir? They are the keys to our better self. A book is a lovely charm to possess and I love coming home to shelves of magic each day.

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