Chapter 19

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"I can hollow out the inconvenient part and blow out the granulation."

"But even if you do, won't it get worse again?"

Fran asked back with a dark pout.

It had been similar when the other healers had treated him. At first, he felt better, but soon it got worse again.

But Raymond had told him of a simple solution.

"Just change his posture and he'll be fine."

"... Pardon?"

"You can prevent the wound from worsening by changing the position he is lying in between."

Fran looked stunned for a moment.


"Yes, bedsores are a disease that occurs when a disabled patient lies down in an uncomfortable position, which puts pressure on the wounded area. So just changing their posture can prevent it."


Raymond thought bitterly at Fran's surprise and astonishment.

'It's common knowledge in medicine, but not here.'

Ulcer medicine called bedsores "pressure sores."

The solution was as simple as the name implied, in the sense that patients who had difficulty changing their own posture were lying in the same position, plus the wounds caused by pressure.

Just change the posture.

'Failure to understand this simple knowledge has turned bedsores into an incurable disease.'

Fran was astonished.

"H-How can you tell such a surprising fact..."

"It's ancient knowledge."

After a perfunctory explanation with an all-purpose excuse, Raymond placed a house call bag containing simple surgical tools on the desk.

Now it was time to treat the patient.

"Then we'll begin the surgery immediately."

"Su... Do you mean alcohol?"
(T/N: The beginning of the Korean words for surgery and alcohol are similar.)

Fran stammered at the first word he heard.

"Yes, surgery. I'll remove the dead tissue and hollow out the inflammation nicely."

Fran looked surprised, but quickly collected his feelings and spoke in an earnest voice.

"I understand. I will only rely on the healer to treat my father!"

Thus began the impromptu surgery.

The servants turned the patient on his side and laid him down.

At that moment, the patient, Fran's father, said in a faint voice.

"I-I look forward to working with you. Healer."

The voice was filled with long agony.


Raymond's heart shook.

The sight of the wound cured his disgusting thoughts.

How difficult would it have been for the patient?

With that feeling, Raymond gently shook the patient's hand.

"Don't worry, it will heal fine. It won't hurt too much since I'll be focusing on the dead tissue."

Raymond's kind heart comforted the patient's heart with the warmth of his linked hands.

"Th...ank you."

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