Chapter 149

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-And now the time has come to gather the fruits of our labor. It's been fifteen years since I first planted the seeds for the Kingdom of Houston, when I provided my collaborator with the means to eliminate Crown Prince Python.

The conversation was surreal.

Python had been the promising heir to the Kingdom of Houston's throne.

His death had been officially attributed to an accident, but their involvement was implied.

-But there's this bastard, Raymond, who's been rising to frightening heights lately.


-No, it won't matter, he'll be the lord of Rafalde, and when Pandora's Box opens and the catastrophe begins, he'll be drained along with his subjects.

The voice from the crystal ball held a casual tone.

-Of course, after what he did in the war, he seems to have a great deal of ancient knowledge, but that won't stop the disaster in Rafalde. He will look upon becoming lord of Rafald as the worst misfortune of his life.

She then inquired cautiously.

"What if Raymond manages to resolve the issue in Rafalde?"


The person on the other end of the crystal ball chuckled.

-Why, you're not hoping for that outcome, are you?


She, the Saint of Hypocrisy, pressed her lips together in a somber expression.

In truth, she had secretly hoped that Raymond would manage to avert the impending catastrophe in the province of Rafalde.

Regarding her own involvement in sowing disaster, it was a repulsive matter.

-If he indeed succeeds in preventing the catastrophe, it could complicate matters. He would once again become the greatest hero of the Kingdom of Houston.

The voice from the crystal ball stated matter-of-factly.

-Being not only a war hero but also accomplishing significant feats could disrupt the succession within the Houston Kingdom. That wouldn't bode well for us.

The person shook their head in disbelief.

-A scenario that is highly unlikely to occur, of course.

And with that, the conversation came to an end.

Saint Hypocrisy let out a deep sigh and gazed towards the north.

The disaster was set to unravel in the Borrison estate within the province of Rafalde.

'Raymond, if only he could perform a miracle.'

A trace of bitterness marred her features.

As her opponent had pointed out, she couldn't escape the disgust she felt towards herself.

She was truly the 'Saint of Hypocrisy.'


'Why do my ears itch so much?'

Raymond dug into his ears.


"Oh, just an itchy ear. Who's talking about me?"

He replied without much thought, and Hanson chimed in.

"It could be, no, I'm certain it is."


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