EP.3|Welcome To Goody-Two-Shoes School, The Worst Place To Be A Villain!

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EP.3|Welcome To Goody-Two-Shoes School, The Worst Place To Be A Villain!

Hello! Welcome to our 3rd instalment of Good At Being Bad. Last time we learned more about CJ and Carlos and how both of their fears are just cover ups for their real fears. Now, let's continue our adventure.

“Arcana Prep!” The conductor yelled as our five girls got off the train. “Um, Freddie.” Mal started. “Yeah?” Freddie asked. “Where’s your shadow?” Operetta asked. “Oh, shadow!” Freddie whistled as a silhouette shadow of Freddie appeared in the place where her shadow should be. “This is shadow Freddie.” Freddie introduced. “S-shadow Freddie?” Evie stuttered. “Oh, I get it! Since Freddie’s dad is nicknamed the “Shadow Man” and his shadow can move. That trait must have been passed down to her.” Mal shortly explained as Shadow Freddie nodded.

“That actually really cool.” CJ admired as Freddie looked at her shadow and sighed. “Shadow, give CJ back her wand.” Freddie’s shadow frowned as moved towards CJ giving her back her wand. “How did she do that without me seeing?” CJ asked. “You can’t hear a shadow.” Freddie winked as she continued walked down the train platform.

Freddie then stop once she saw a beautiful black carriage being pulled by a winged horses with a skeletal body, face with reptilian features, and wide, leathery wings that resemble a bat's. “Woah.” Freddie gasped. “Hey buddy.” Freddie stoked the front of it’s head as the horse neighed. The horse started sniffing Freddie’s satchel bag. Freddie opened it and brought out an apple. She feed it to the horse, the horse lick her face. Freddie chuckled as continued petting the horse.

“Freddie? Hun, what are you doing?” Evie asked. “Petting the horse, duh.” Freddie answered. “What horse?” Operetta asked. “You don’t see the horse?” Freddie asked as Mal and CJ shook their heads. Am I going crazy?? “You’re not going crazy.” A boy said, surprising Freddie. “I’m not?” Freddie asked.

“Nope, these are Granians. They only appear to people who’ve seen death. Being the son of Hades I see death all the time.” The boy smiled. “The names Zeref.” Zeref introduced as Freddie shook his hand. “Freddie.” Freddie introduced also. “So, um...if you don’t mind me asking...uh well…” Zeref rubbed the back of his neck.

“My grandfather.” Freddie sighed. “What?” Zeref asked. “My grandfather died right before my eyes when I was 5. Once night when my father was out me and my grandfather were watching the shop. The smashed the lights in our shop so neither me and my grandfather could see. All I saw was a silver cross necklace shimmering from the low street lights. I then heard a gunshot.”

“Once the emergency lights turned on I saw my grandfather on the ground bleeding. He told me he was gonna be okay, but I was five and was seeing my grandfather bleed to death, I didn’t know what to do. I told him that help was on the way and that I was call 911. But he told me to stop. He told me to let him die.” Freddie looked at the tiki medallion around her neck, letting tears fall on it. “I honestly did think he was gonna be okay. But he wasn’t. Now my life goal is to get revenge for my father and find that person with the silver cross necklace.” Freddie wiped her eyes and sighed.

“Sorry, I’m babbling.” Freddie sighed. Zeref immediately hugged Freddie. “U-um...Zer-Zeref.” Freddie stuttered. “You were only five having that burden on you must have sucked.” Zeref said. Freddie smiled “Thanks. I-I hav-haven’t been hu-hugged in a while.” “Your welcome.” Zeref smiled as he wiped the rest of Freddie tears.

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