EP.149|Frozen Spider

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EP.149|Frozen Spider

Operetta couldn't believe it. Her childhood home was broken, damaged, destroyed.

Tears began to stream slowly down her face. Slowly walking in, Operetta saw her childhood breaking right in front of her.

She looked at the pictures on top of the fireplace to see pictures of Operetta, and Christine with the frame cracked. I remember that day… Operetta reminisce.

It was a warm summer day, Operetta saw her mom in her office making some potion.

“Mama,” 5 year old Operetta stood on the step stool to reach the height of the counter “whatcha doing?”

“Well, I’m making a potion for a dragon,” Christine reached up to the cupboard and brought out a jar of what seemed dead tentacles.

She dropped into the cauldron, turning it green “his scales seem to be losing their color and falling off.” Operetta sniffed the potion, it smelled like rotten fish “ugh! That smells horrible.”

“Hand me those flowers.” Operetta passed her mother the cherry blossoms, putting them in the cauldron, turning it pink. The potion began smelling a lot better “smells better?” Operetta nodded.

Christine poured the potion into a vile, putting it in her bag “you wanna come with me to deliver it?” Operetta nodded excitedly.

Operetta put on her jacket and grabbed Perdita and the three left the house “so where does the dragon live?” Operetta asked. “In the Dragon Islands. He’s a king.” Christine smiled.

“We get to meet royalty?!” Operetta’s eyes glistened. “Yep,” Christine ruffled Operetta’s red hair “my friend Faybelle is living with the king for an assignment.”

“Are they in love like you and daddy?” Operetta questioned. “I’d like to think so. None of them will admit it though.” Christine chuckled as they reached a door with a dragon symbol on it.

They stepped inside and was transported into the Dragon King, Zephron, castle to see him in his bed with a tired look on his face. Faybelle spoon feeding him soup.

“Thank the gods and goddesses you’re here. Zephron is getting on my nerves.” Faybelle rolled her eyes. “Come on, Fairy Girl,” a cough interrupted him, “you know you love me.”

Christine and Operetta noticed Faybelle blushing “ya whatever, and stop calling me Fairy Girl!” Faybelle left the room to go get more soup.

“So, you’re the famous Dragon King Faybelle been raving about.” Christine sat next to him, taking out the pink potion from her bag. “Yep, that me.” Christine noticed the scales on his body began losing color.

“Faybelle told me you got bit by some Xezers, aren’t those deadly to dragons?” Christine asked, Zephron nodded.

“But, Faybelle decided to run off and a swarm of Xezers began surrounding her,” Zephron looked down at his hands “I don't know what happened to me but the dragon inside me took control and began attacking all of them.”

“All I wanted to do in that moment was protect Faybelle,” he looked at the picture of him and Faybelle on his dresser and smiled “I don't know what it is about her but she makes me laugh and smile.”

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