EP.69|The Wedding Ceremony (PART 2)

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EP.69|The Wedding Ceremony (PART 2)

“Malena. You’ve grown so much.” Mal’s father, no not Haydn, the real one. “D-Da-Dad?” Mal stammered as he came in for a hug.

He was a tall, muscular man with shoulder-length slick back  and a stubble beard. His heavily muscular body is without a left arm and left leg, that were replaced with metal prosthetics, completed with an armored knee-guard to function as the knee joint.

His attire is rather simple; he wears a long, black, high-collared and tattered cloak with shoulder plates; around his waist is a simple belt. He also wear loose-fitting dark pants, complete with an armored waist-guard bearing plates similar to the ones on his shoulders, tucked inside simple boots

“H-how...Wh-Why?...” Mal muttered as he hugged Mal tighter.

“I...um...MOM!!!” Mal yelled as Maleficent rushed outside. “What’s wrong?! Where’s Milton?!” Maleficent quickly ran outside, locking eyes with the man. “Malena, go back to the temple.” Maleficent ordered. “But…” “Now, Malena!” Maleficent roared as Mal quickly nodded. Running back to the temple.

“What are you doing here, Stefan?” Maleficent asked rudely. “What? A father can’t give his only daughter away?” Stefan replied. “No, you can’t, I’m giving Mal away. No you.” Maleficent stated. “Mal already has a dad, one who is actually there for her, she had enough stress as it is. She doesn't need to add you to the list.” Maleficent added.

“But I’m her father-” “No your not! Haydn is!” Maleficent yelled. “Was Haydn in that delivery room when you gave birth to Mal? Was Haydn the one who held your hair back when you had morning sickness? Was Haydn the one who would hold you when you had nightmares? Hmm?” Stefan asked smugly.

“But at least Haydn didn’t scare me permanently!” Maleficent shot back. “Still using that excuse? I told you time and time again I was sorry!” Stefan replied. “Are you though? Do you even remember what you did to me and my family?!” Maleficent yelled as Stefan avoided eye contact with him.

“Maleficent...please…let me explain…” Stefan looked down. “This is an important day, it would be very good for Mal if I’m back in her life, and we have to at least talk about it.” Stefan sighed.

“Sorry, you lost your chance to talk about it when you walked out of me and Mal’s life!” Maleficent shot back.

“Your leaving now.” Maleficent stated. “But I’m Mal’s father. We can’t just give up that for what is clearly just a man who is side hoe!” Stefan yelled, he wanted to take it back.

“Pause.” “No pause! That “Side hoe” is Mal’s father! You’re leaving now.” Maleficent gritted her teeth. “But she’s my daughter too…” “You’re leaving now!” “Baby, can you just…?” “You’re leaving now! Don't you get it?! You went behind my back. You hurt me!”
“Your being selfish Maleficent!”
“You killed my sister!”
Mal quickly closed the door, her back leaning up against it. “Mal, your breathing heavily again.” Evie noticed. “Evie! Binoculars! Now!” Evie passed Mal her binoculars.

“That’s him alright…” She sighed. “Who?” Freddie asked. “That’s my father…” Mal shuttered. “Alright, let your mom take care of your dad. You need to get your hair done.” Evie the pulled up a chair.

“Huh?” Mal asked. “Yeah, according to Ben, it’s a tradition to weave crystal in your hair.” CJ said as Giselle walked in. “So, where the bride.” Giselle smiled as Mal chuckled a bit. “Giselle, are you sure you know how to do this?” Mal asked.

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