EP.188|The Power of a Sword

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EP.188|The Power of a Sword
“I swear if we get out of this alive, Kuno Ababwa, I’ll murder you!” Serenity promised, she clung to the fur of the large black wolf that maneuvered through the trees.
“Will you pipe down!” Kuno shushed, he was just as confused as she was. He never knew he could turn into a wolf, let alone have night vision, heightening sight, hearing, taste, smell, everything!
As important as it was to get Serenity to the portal, Kuno could help but smile as he felt Serenity latch onto him. He could sense she was nervous but a little relaxed at the same time.
Kuno felt her fingers play with this new fur, he ever so desperately wanted to start purring for some reason, but he had to focus on running.
“Something wrong?” Serenity asked innocently, Kuno shook his head and stopped in front of the diner. “Why are we here?” Serenity questioned, getting off of Kuno.
“Old friend.” Kuno replied, he tried turning back into a human but it felt impossible. Serenity tilted her head, “why can't you turn?”
Kuno whimpered, scratching his nose with his paw, “stupid wolf…”
Serenity giggled and ruffled her fur, “must be an effect of first time turning.” Serenity opened the door to reveal Levi, Cosmina, and Antonie.
“It’s been 4 weeks since we’ve seen the VKs! What if they’re dead Cosmina!” Levi paced back and forth. “I know the VKs, they’re stronger than that,” Cosmina sat on Antoine’s lap, her fingers intertwining with his.
“But Araden’s in there!” Levi muttered. “They’re not okay, but we’ve gotta help them!” Serenity said. Levi noticed the wolf standing beside her, Levi shifted into his leopard form, darting towards Kuno.
“Get away from her!” Levi lunged at the wolf, pinning him to the ground “where are they?!”
“Levi! Calm down!” Kuno tried to reason with the animalistic, but it seemed like there was no getting through to him.
“Calm down?!” Levi grew closer, baring his fangs as he snarled at him “I knew you were shady! I knew you were working with Araden!”
“Levi, let me explain-” Levi didn't even let him finish before throwing Kuno against one of the diner booths.
“I don't want to hear it! I want to know where the VKs are!” Levi demanded, digging his claws into the floor tiles.
Levi couldn't control his anger, he leaped for Kuno but was surprised when Levi was caught in a water bubble.
“You’re Levi, yes?” Serenity turned the bubble to face her, Levi nodded in response to her question “good, now I need you to calm down, yes, Kuno helped me escape Araden’s torture.”
Levi was confused, “he helped you?” Levi’s voice was gurgled under the water.
“Yes,” Serenity popped the bubble, “now, which one of you knows how to open a portal?”
Antoine raised his hand, “I might be able to do it with the dark shards.” Antoine extended his hand, creating a portal.
Levi noticed Cosmina and Antoine didn't approach the portal, “aren’t you coming Cosmina?”
Cosmina shook her head, “me and Antoine are going to stay here, hopefully we can find a way to join the two realms.”
Levi smiled and gave a mini salute to Cosmina “stay safe princess!” and with that, him, Serenity, and Kuno leaped into the portal.
CJ packed back and forth, she couldn't stand that fact she lost her sword. “I know he has it!” CJ was restless, she couldn't stand still.
“Princesa,” Carlos was curled up on CJ’s box floor, still in his wolf form, watching as his lover worried, “calm down, we’ll find your sword.”
“But what if we don't?” CJ played with the feathers on her hat, “that swords a piece of my families history…” her voice lowered to a mutter.
“I know Princesa, and as soon as we’re out of here, finding your sword is a top priority.” Carlos promised her, stretching and walking over to his mate.
CJ smiled and petted behind Carlos’ ear, knowing this was his sweet spot. “Thank you, Carlos,” CJ kissed his forehead, “I don't know what I’d do without you.”
Carlos shifted back into a human, kissing her lips, “I don't know what I’d do without you either.”
CJ giggled softly, wrapping her arms lovingly around the back of his neck, laying down. Carlos made himself comfortable in the comforts of CJ’s chest.
“Princesa,” the animalistic muttered softly enough for his mate to hear him, “I know that sword meant so much to you and your family, but in the off chance we can't find it, I’ll make you an even better one!”
Carlos smiled brightly up at her, CJ chuckled and ran her fingers through his hair, “you do to much for me.”
“I’m sorry,” he sat up, “am I not supposed to spoil my mate?”
CJ blushed a little, rolling her eyes, “shut up,”
“Tunsande.” Carlos stuck out his tongue before kissing her softly. The taste of cherries and vanilla flooding his senses, he didn't care if he was stuck in a box, as long as the smell and taste of his mate was here, he was gonna be okay.
He separated the kissing, giving his Princesa a moment to breathe. “Carlos...I-I love yo-you.” her cheeks flushed red.
Carlos chuckled and smiled, he knew how hard it was for CJ to convey emotions like that. She told her she was never really open with anyone except her parents or the crew.
But now, since Carlos was with her, she couldn't help but say it.
“I love you too, my beloved Pirate Princesa.”
Before their lips could touch again, the sound of a bullhorn rang through their ears. Carlos and Ben whimpered, animalistic had sensitive hearing.
“Good morning, maggots!” Araden greeted, all the VKs groaned. Araden’s eyes narrowed in displeasement, sending the magic that the VKs were weak to onto them.
“Now,” Araden sighed, “let’s try again,” Araden stood up straight, “good morning, maggots.”

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