EP.163|Where's the Color?

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EP.163|Where's the Color?

“This is weird.” Shadow Freddie stated. Despite its name, the shadow realm was usually filled with color and happiness. Now it was bland and filled with with dull colors.

Every girl wore black skirts and a white polo shirt, with a weird symbol on it, with black overalls and black flats. Every boy wore a white polo shirt with the symbol, black slacks, and black dress shoes.

“This isn't right, dad always told me the Shadow Realm was colorful and all the houses looked like something out of a story book. This,” Freddie struggled for words, “i-it’s bland!”

Zeref walked up to one of the girls, “what happened here? Where’s all the color? Where’s all the crazy houses?”

The girl looked conflicted, on the one hand she wanted to say everything, but on the other, she couldn't risk getting hurt, “I-I-I can't say.” she ran off before Zeref could ask her anything else.

“I think the no color is making me sick.” Operetta groaned, holding her stomach. “Or maybe it’s her morning sickness.” CJ corrected.

“Either way, it’s making me sick.” Operetta gagged. “Alright, CJ, take Operetta to the bathroom, we’ll try to find someone to talk to.” Heine directed, CJ nodded and entered the closet store near them.

The store was called Boogie Woogie, CJ rushed into the bathroom with Operetta where she threw up. “There there, just keep throwing up those fluids.” CJ tried to comfort her, but what do you say to a pregnant woman while she’s throwing up?

“Stop patronizing me.” Operetta groaned, her and CJ sitting on the floor of the bathroom. “You okay Operetta?” CJ asked, wiping the vomit off her cheek. “I just...don't feel pretty…” Operetta sighed.

“Operetta, I’m not going to lie, if I liked girls and wasn’t with Carlos, I swear to the gods and goddesses I would so fuck you.” CJ admitted, making Operetta chuckle

“Thank you,” Operetta smiled “it’s just, when I look into the mirror, I just feel, fat.”

“But your beautiful the way you are Operetta, you shouldn’t worry about being insecure. What you have to focus on is being your best self for our newest VK member.” CJ poked her stomach.

“Try thinking about a time when you felt really loved, maybe that might work.” CJ suggested. Operetta then thought back to the night before they left the Demonic Islands.

Operetta laid in bed, wrapped in the arms of her demon, she smiled when Hunter pulled her in closer “mine…” Hunter mumbled incoherently.

“I’m all yours Hunter.” Operetta whispered, kissing his forehead. Hunter growled softly, Operetta chuckled, I wonder what he could be dreaming about…

“SHUT THE HELL UP!” Hunter shouted to Magdir.

“It’s true though, your girl will die soon.” Magdir cackled. “Didn't I just say shut the hell up?! Twin Swords!” Hunter conjured up two sharp swords made of blood and attacked Magdir but he just blocked it with both his hands.

“Not bad,” Magdir lowered his hands, “but not good enough. Diamond Blast!” Hunter was blasted away by Magdir’s bast, knocking his back into the wall.

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