EP.6|Why Am I Safe?

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EP.6|Why Am I Safe?

In our last instalment we learned more about Dr. Facilier's past and Freddie's mother, but what could this light be in Freddie's dreams? Could it be connected to Carlos's dreams somehow? Find out in this episode of Good At Being Bad

Evie sat in History of Goodness, bored out of her mind, and to make matter worse, Snow White was the teacher. Nope, that wasn’t even the worst part! It was this, not only was Snow White the teacher, she had to sit next to Winter White.

Who was hanging on every word her mother said. It annoyed the crap out of Evie. “From the beginning of time, there have been both good.” Snow White looked at her daughter. “And evil people.” Snow White now looked at Evie, who was in her own private world.

“Take the story of Jesus Christ for example.” Snow White the picked up her wand and with a flick of her wrist the chalk was lifted up and started drawing a picture of Jesus Christ. “Jesus was a miracle worker. He healed people’s faith.” The chalk then drew a person next to Jesus being healed.

“He performed exorcisms.” Snow continued as the chalk drew a girl in a bed with Jesus confounding her with the cross. “He even resurrected the dead.” the chalk now drew a person coming out of their grave.

Evie looked outside the window and sighed. Her mind was off someplace else. The usual thoughts crossed her mind: Fashion, the mall, getting her nails done, choking Winter to death. But then something else came up, she started thinking about boys, well, that’s never usually for Evie. She always thought about boys, but what made it unusual was the specific boy she was thinking about.

She kept thinking about how her and Jasper were swimming last night. She felt so comfortable around him, so safe, so warm, it was like nothing she ever experienced before. It was like a white warm light inside of her exploded, it took over her, but she had to screw it up and say “she had to leave”. “MISS QUEEN!!!” Snow White yelled causing Evie to snap out of her thoughts.

Goddamn Snow White! Evie thought. “Miss Queen, if you are ever to survive in this world you are going to need to learn the fundamentals of being good! That’s why your here Miss Queen! To learn how to be good! We need to drag the evil out of you.” Snow scolded.

“Excuse me! Drag the evil out of me?! I’ll have you know Snow White I love being evil! In fact.” Evie got up out of her stool and went towards the murals that had Snow White on it. “This is what I think out this school!” Evie yelled as she grabbed a sledgehammer and backed up to the other side of the classroom and ran towards the mural. “HYA!!!” Evie yelled as she swung the sledgehammer into the mural.

“MISS QUEEN!!! You’re gonna pay for that!! Our next class will be about the fashion of Goodness, it’s how hero’s wardrobe and what they do in that wardrobe affect their image on society. You are known in your hometown as an amazing fashionista, my daughter is known as the same. You two will face off, you both will make and entire line of hero outfits and present them to the school on wednesday. If you win, you will have the entire month without homework, if you lose,you leave the academy forever.” Snow White smirked.

“Fine, but if I do win I want no homework for a month and Winter’s car!” Evie stomped out of the classroom and towards her next class. “Hey that's pretty ballsy how you stood up to Snow like that.” Jasper commented making Evie jump up. “T-Th-Thank you…I-I just stood up for what I believed in.” Evie sighed.

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