EP.167|The Right To Be Free

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EP.167|The Right To Be Free

Freddie, Shadow Freddie, Heine, Operetta, and CJ all stood in shock after hearing Mazus’ story. “Th-That really happened?” Shadow Freddie has her hands over her mouth in shock.

Nylore nodded, crying as Operetta tried to console her “Araden just took mom and Amaura right from under us just because of some stupid pictures.”

“There has to be a way to bring Amaura and Karma back right?” CJ asked hopefully, Nylora began crying more “I-I-I’m sorry, I can't do this anymore.” Nylora ran up to her room in tears.

“She’s been so sad ever since Amaura left, I haven’t seen her smile in weeks.” Mazus sighed, shaking his head. “Well she in love with Amaura, just like you are with Karma.” Heine said.

“We just can't sit here and cry, we gotta get in there and save Karma and Amaura.” Freddie stood, her eyes fired with determination.

“The Camp is heavily guarded by Briar’s guards, there’s no way in or out.” Mazus shook his head.

“I don't care! Mazus,” Freddie, cupped his face “do you love your daughter?” “yeah.” “do you love you wife?” “yeah.”

“Then why the fuck are you still here then? Go save your wife and your daughter’s girlfriend!”

Ben went outside the tent to see Amaura looking at the moon “you can't sleep either, Ben?”

“Nope, this place is too creepy to sleep.” Ben shivered, sitting next to Amaura. “Not to bad when you get past the beatings and inedible food.” Amaura sarcastically said.

“We're never gonna get out of here, are we?” Ben sighed, burying his head in his knees. Amaura looked into his eyes, the hope was draining by the second “Ben, I know this place is depressing, but if you lose hope what does that say for the rest of us?”

Ben shrugged “I don't know, and frankly, I don't care anymore.” Amaura punched his shoulder “Ben, I may have only known you for like 3 days, but you are the brightest person I know,” Ben shrugged again “so?”

“Because of the stories I’ve heard about you, you never lose hope, I don't want you to lose that Ben. You can never lose it,” she clenched his shoulders “never ever can you lose that hope and that smile okay?”

“What’s the point? We’ve been put through more tourture than I’ve ever had in the past 20 years in my lifetime. I’ve never felt so small in my entire life, I’ve always had hope Amaura and I’m tired! I’m tired of having hope! I wanna be the one who doesn't have to rally everyone up!” Ben stood up, his voice raising as well.

“I don't want to be the “perfect child” I wanna relax! I’ve been searching for my brother for 8 months now! 8 Amaura,” he put up 8 fingers “all I want is a day where I don't have to worry about all the stress of Araden and finding the Grail, and finding Swan!”

“Ben…” Amaura muttered, trying to make him stop “no Amaura! I can’t! I can't do it anymore! It’s-It’s-It’s too much! I never asked for any of this to happen to me or the VKs! I wanted a normal life where I can grow old and have kids with Mal!”

“Do you really feel that way?” Amaura muttered. “Yes! All I want is a normal life, I wish I could be like you Amaura, you and Nylora lived in safety for so long, you didn't have to worry about any monsters trying to attack you.” Ben sighed in envyness.

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