EP.37|Unlocking The New Me

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EP.37|Unlocking The New Me

“Ben, is everything okay?” Mal asked as Ben walked out of Milton’s off. “Yeah.” Ben smiled. “Good, cause that was hella hot.” Mal smirked, kissing Ben roughly. “Mal, are you okay?” Ben chuckled.

“Y-ye-yeah!” Mal blushed. “Come on, I wanna practise a new spell on one of you.” Mal smiled as they entered their room. “So, who wants to be the guinea pig?” Mal asked. “Not it!” Everyone yelled, except Carlos.

“Great, Carlos! You’re gonna me my guinea pig.” Mal smirked taking out her wand. “Some are here. Some are ther. Salsa dance everywhere.” Mal chanted as a green stream of light came out of her wand and hit Carlos.

“Hit the music.” Ben nodded and started playing salsa music. Carlos’s eyes turned red with specks of white and gold specks in them.

Carlos looked at CJ. Buzz was struck dumb. Time slows. His heart melted. He approaches, drops to his knees, takes CJ’s hand.

“Mi florecita del desierto...! Yo nunca he visto la belleza verdadera hasta esta noche! (My desert flower...! I have never seen true beauty til this night!)” Carlos said in spanish, his voice sounding like poetry to CJ.

“What did you do to Carlos?” CJ asked. “I didn’t finish the spell.” Mal answered. “Look at his eyes.” Zypher pointed out as Ben looked at Carlos’s new red eyes. “He’s sorta unlocking the Crinx.” Zypher said.

Abruptly, Carlos grabs her, yanks her to him. As CJ stands awkwardly, Carlos performs a solemn, impassioned courtship dance around her. Finally, Carlos takes CJ in his arms.

“¡Ven conmigo! ¡Te mostraré las maravillas de la galaxia, y juntos lucharemos contra el despiadado héroe! (Come with me! I will show you the wonders of the galaxy, and together we will fight the hero's)” Carlos hand brush softly against CJ’s skin making her blush.

“Hhee.” CJ laughed nervously. This side...of Carlos...it’s beautiful… CJ smiled. “Bailar conmigo.” Carlos whispered. Carlos spun her around the room amidst the teasing catcalls of their comrades.

Zeref completely lost his sombre demeanour and chortled. Even Jasper let loose a chuckle of mirth. CJ's face flushed bright red. Carlos then collapsed onto CJ, the two falling on to the couch.

Carlos blinked twice, his eyes turning back to normal, he then noticed he was lying on something soft. “Did we get new pillows?” Carlos asked. “Ac-” Ben the covered Jasper’s mouth with his hand. “Yes, we got new pillows.” Ben smirked. “Ben! We did not get new pillows.” CJ mouthed. “You’re right Ben. 2 medium sized pillows. Well, I’m going to bed.” Freddie smiled as she went upstairs. “Good night Carlos.” Freddie smield.

Carlos is on my chest! Why is my heart beating so fast? My pulse is racing! My face is hot! The room is spinning! What’s happening?? CJ thought as she felt Carlos head shift a bit on top of her chest.

CJ looked at his childish face as he slept. “You idiot.” CJ sighed as she went to sleep. Soon as she did, Carlos slowly got up and groggily walked outside.

Ever since the vacation, Carlos been getting headaches whenever he’s around the gang. Mostly CJ. “Stop it...stop hurting…” Carlos growled. “Please…” Carlos muttered. “Get me CJ…” A voice inside his head said.

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