EP.64|NO Thanks For The Memories!

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EP.64|NO Thanks For The Memories!

Operetta felt the room spinning, she could hear Hunter’s voice. It was cackling, more and more as he saw Operetta in pain. When she opens her eyes and looks around she can't help but gasp, she watches Hunter  mercilessly beat up Ben and Mal before bolting them to the large oak tree behind her.

Operetta never wanted to relive this moment, she didn't want to remember how Hunter used to be, he wasn't like that anymore, he'd never hurt her, but there's a difference between forgiving and forgetting.

She would always be able to forgive Hunter for what he did, but she'd never forgotten, the scars on her arms from the bolts always there as a memory of who he once was.

“HUNTER STOP IT, YOU CAN’T DO THIS..YOU'RE NOT LIKE THIS ANYMORE, YOU'VE CHANGED!” she screams as she gets hit in the stomach by one of the multiple dark dust iron poles he shot from his arms.

“What the fuck are you talking about? I haven't changed at all. you were just a piece of ass to get on the weekends and nothing more. Now that I realize I don't need you, I can end you” Hunter says with a smirk.

“No..Hunter you can't mean it..,” Operetta says so quietly that Hunter wouldn't be able to hear without his enhanced senses.

"Mmm but I do," he says with a smirk before punching Operetta so hard that she flies into the oak tree along with Ben and Mal. He lifts her up, bolting her to the tree before proceeding to draw his old guilds symbol on her chest.

“Auntie Jessie, what are you trying to do?” Mal asks, unable to move from her injuries she sits on her knees and watches as her Auntie Jessie walks towards am out of control Maleficent.

“Maleficent-Niichan, what's the matter?” Jessie asks quietly, hoping that she could remind her big brother of who he is.

“It's your little sister, Jessie...Have you forgot Mal, your daughter, too?”

“You couldn't have forgotten about us, right Maleficent-niichan? Because both Jessie and Mal-nee love Maleficent-niichan.”

“Come let's go home..”

"Auntie Jessie no back away, it won't work"

“Maleficent-niichan” Jessie holds out her arms with a smile, expecting Maleficent to return to normal. She closes her eyes as Mal watches Maleficent swing at Jessie causing her go flying into a pile of rubble,

“Auntie Jessie no! I told you it wouldn't work, WHY DIDN'T YOU LISTEN,”

Mal screams as she's forced to watch the terrible memory over and over again. It didn't matter that her Aunt Jessie was dead for a while now and that she got over that pain long ago, You can't forget things like that, no matter how long ago.

The men, and Evie and Freddie, stay frozen in place, forced to watch the girls, and Jasper and Zeref, curl into balls, screaming at the top of their lungs as tears stream down their faces.

They all knew what they were thinking of, they knew how bad they were shaken after those moments in their lives, knowing they had to relive those moments...they didn't know what to do.

“Hunter what did he d-” Carlos begins to say.

“I dunno Carlos..." he says as he kneels down by Operetta’s side, cringing at the fact that he was able to do that to someone, especially his little Operetta.

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