EP.57|Things Get Weird. Like, Really Weird

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EP.57|Things Get Weird. Like, Really Weird

CJ woke up the next morning to the golden sun gleaming thru her red curtains. "Squawk! Morning CJ! Squawk!" Crackers squawked as he landed on CJ's head. Good morning to you to Crackers." CJ smiled as Crackers peaked at her forehead.

"Alright alright, you want food," CJ said as she reached out for the bird food but her sword flew towards her. "WA!!" CJ yelled as she dunked down, barely dodging the sword.

She slowly got up and turned around to see the sword impaled in the door. "CJ? You okay?" Carlos asked, opening the door. "I heard screaming and-"

"I'm fine Carlos, just probably my wand fizzing out," CJ answered as Carlos nodded, not wanting to argue this early in the morning, he walked out, closing the door behind him.

"So that was weird." CJ chuckled as Crackers nodded.

Later on that morning, Evie, Mal, and Ben sat in the bleachers. Watching Jasper's football practice.

"I don't get why Jasper is playing football. I thought he picked Gothel's art class for his extra circular." Evie said, putting on sunglasses. "Milton decided to be a douche and put him in football. Mal's in princess 101." Ben replied.

"Don't remind me. Always keep you your ankles cross when sitting on the throne Miss Mal." Mal mocked Snow White's voice. "She makes me physically ill," Mal added.

"Thankfully, you only have a couple more months till we're king and queen." Ben smiled, kissing Mal. "Aww, aren't you two so cute." Evie smiled, looking back at her sketchbook.

"Is that my dress?" Mal asked as Evie quickly shut her notebook. "Yes, it's a surprise. Your not seeing it till your wedding day." Evie giggled.

"Knowing you, it's gonna be amazing." Mal smiled. "How hard is it to kick a ball?" Evie sighed, putting down her notebook and walking to the field.

"Honestly Jasper, as much as I love you, you're completely clueless." Evie then placed them up and walked back a little.

"It's just kicking a ball." Evie then ran up to the ball, kicking the ball. "See," Evie said as the coach and Jasper watched the ball fly far. "Oh...my...gods..." Coach Gingerbread gasped as he looked at Evie.

"Your amazing Evie! You have to be part of the team!" The coach said, shaking Evie. "Um, no thanks, I don't do sports." Evie chuckled as Evie, Jasper, Mal, and Ben walked back to the school.

"You suck at football you know." Evie laughed as Jasper picked her up. "I know." He smiled.

"Jasper! Put me down, you big idiot!" Evie whined as Jasper chuckled, slapping her butt. "Don't slap my butt, you idiot! I have a class to go to!" Evie said, kicking her legs in the air. "They're so adorable." Mal giggled.

"Honestly, that girl should join the team." The coach said to himself as he picked up the ball to see crystals poking out of it.

"What in the gods' names is that?"

"Hey Music Note," Hunter called out as he caught up to Operetta. "Hey, why the hell is it so cold?" Operetta asked, shivering.

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