EP.101|This Fleeting Moment

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EP.101|This Fleeting Moment


"They're dead."

Those words were ringing thru Freddie's mind as she trying to comprehend what Cindy just told her.
She now had nobody, her grandpa died when she was five, and how here parents. She really was alone.

Freddie's hands ran up the side of her head as she began screaming the words "They can't be gone! I can't be alone!"

Zeref quickly ran to Freddie's side, holding the traumatized Tamakiki user in his arms, he could tell how scared she was.

"Shh, shh, it's okay..." Zeref voice, as much soothing, didn't help Freddie. She was still screaming.

"I can't do this! I need them to be here! I can't be alone!" Freddie sobbed.

"Freddie, darling, we know. But you need to be strong, for you mom and dad." Megan told her as Freddie shook her head.

"I-I-I can't." Freddie stammered. "Yes, you can, Freddie. I've seen you be strong before, so I need you to do it now." Alex motivated her.

"I'm sorry! I just can't!" Freddie jumped out of Zeref's arms and ran out of the bar sobbing.

"I'll go talk to her." Zeref said, starting to run after her.

Milton looked up at the beautiful Northern Lights and smiled, he and Courtly would sit under the lights and stare at them for hours.

Those were the good days. The days of non-worriment and pure joy and laughter. He wanted to go back to those days so badly.

He wanted to stare at the Northern Lights with his Jester just one more time.

Just staring into her beautiful blue orbs that held a lifetime of wonder and amazement and just a tint of sadness in them.

Run his fingers thru her golden locks that were soft as silk and smelled just like golden honey that resembled a waterberfall when the sundown hits it just right and the water turns golden shimmery color.

Taster the richnesses of her profound honey taste that was ever so addicting to him. Feel the softness of her beautiful peach toned skin that he longed to feel just once more.

Trace his hands around her beautiful curves, which she hated at times but Milton thought otherwise, that formed her beautiful Aphrodite blessed body into a beautiful shape.

Every part of her was like an addiction Milton couldn't, and quite frankly didn't want to, shake off.

He closed his eyes and tried to get in some well needed sleep.

Milton dream started out as most of his dreams do. Pitch black darkness, with him in the dead middle of it.

But then, the darkness began to fade, turning into a large field of sunflowers with a large oak tree in the middle.

Milton looked closer to see somebody under the tree. "Courtly...?" Milton asked himself.

"Milton!" Courtly eyes widened as she ran towards the animalistic, wrapping her arms around his neck.

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