EP.189|Tell Me You're Scared!

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EP.189|Tell Me You're Scared!
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼

Ben let out a deep sigh, he couldn't sleep knowing that Araden's torture on him was only hours (maybe less) away.

For weeks, he watched as his friends' bodies and spirits were broken by the ruthless demon.

Jasper lost, not only his scales, but years of his life.

Operetta got a third degree burn, causing her to lose her long hair, leaving it up to her neck now.

Carlos succumbed to the evil desires of Araden's Feral Spray, forcing him to attack his beloved Pirate Princess.

Zeref learned the hard truth that he wasn't immortal.

Mal, his wife and queen, relieved her horrible memories of her father's abuse.

Hunter learned the truth of his dark side, or Shadow, learning how to work with it.

Evie, sadly, was raped by Kuno. Ben knew her and Mal would have the most mental trauma out of the 10 of them.

Freddie bravely stood up to the demon, but soon faced his wrath.

CJ, not only lost her hat, but almost lost her sword. It wasn't even a sword anymore, it was now a beautiful, and hard to control, spear.

She ended up naming it Firefly because of its rapid movements and it's glow reminded her of a firefly's glow.

And now it was his turn.

Ben didn't know what would happen to him, but he couldn't show he was scared.

Ben shook his head, "I'm the king," for a moment, pride flashed in the king's eyes, soon turning back in fear "but does that mean I can't be scared?"

"You're a really bad king." Hunter commented rather rudely.

Ben jumped up a little at his best friend's voice "when did you get in here!?"

"You flashed me in here," Hunter sighed, shaking his head "remember?"

"No," Ben shook his head. "Must have been another animalistic with flashing power."

"It was?"

Hunter was this close to strangling Ben, "never mind!"

Ben chuckled at his friend's reaction, "do you want me to flash you back?"

"Not till we talk," Hunter stated, standing in front of Ben, "what's been going on with you? You've seemed...distant."

Ben was only half listening to Hunter's concerns, out of the corner of his eye he watched Mal sturr in her sleep.

Subconsciously, Ben ran his fingers through his wife's purple locks, trying to ease the demoness.

Mal smiled at his touch, leaning into his lap. Ben noticed the scars on Mal's arms and legs. He shivered, he knew he could never be as strong as she was.

"You're scared." Hunter said, his voice breaking the silence.

"No I'm not!" Ben quickly got defensive. "It's alright to be scared, you don't always have to be tough." Hunter chuckled.

"You're never scared." Ben muttered. Hunter bursted out laughing, "I may put up a tough demeanor, but I'm still scared. I'm scared about losing the twins, losing Operetta, my parents, the Vks, you."

"But I learned that admitting when I'm scared doesn't make you weak, it makes you stronger." Hunter smiled at Ben, he noticed the king wasn't listening to his words.

"But that doesn't mean I'm scared. I'm king Hunter, kings don't get scared." Ben proudly stated, trying to throw Hunter off his trail.

Hunter glared at him "you can't keep using the stupid king excuse." Hunter was getting annoyed "it's not some trump card you can pull every time you don't want to talk about something."

"You just don't understand Hunter." Ben sighed, looking away from the demon. "No, I do understand," Hunter stood up in an angry huff "you're a little bitch who's scared of what Araden's gonna do to you."

"That's not true."

"Oh really?" Hunter voice grew cocky "you shake like a little dog when you see what he did to Mal and the VKs."

"I'm not scared, I'm worried about my wife. If that's a crime then lock me up!" Ben exclaimed, Mal rubbed her eyes, waking up a little.

"Ben," Hunter rubbed his hands down his tired face "you weren't worried, you were scared! You weren't scared about Mal, cause we all know she has more balls than you, your scared of what Araden's gonna do to you!"

"I can take Araden, Hunter, so just mind your business." Ben scoffed, trying to hide his worry.

"Ben, just because you have new powers and all doesn't mean you're ready to fight Araden." Hunter stated, Ben didn't understand that he wasn't invincible.

"Maybe you're the one who's scared, Hunter, hm? Ever thought of that?" Ben quickly tried to switch the topic, but Hunter growled.

"You're right Ben, I am scared, you 9 are by closest friends, one of which is my mate and the mother of our children." Hunter explained, "I'm scared because at any moment that shield on her stomach could disappear and one swift blast to her stomach and I lose the 3 most important people in my life."

"Hunter," Ben muttered, trying to get a word in but Hunter continued. "The fact that I can admit I'm scared means I'm more of a man you'll ever be." Hunter stood proudly.

"Are you saying I'm not a man? Hunter I'm a king," Ben pushed on Hunter's chest in a demeaning way, as though Ben was telling Hunter he wasn't worthy "you're a little demon."

"Fine," Hunter growled, "since you're king, admit you're scared."

"Why should I? Royalty doesn't get scared, Hunter!" Ben repeated, Hunter scrunched up his fist. "Your wife's loyalty, she's scared, she admits it! Why can't you?!"

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