EP.126|The Bookworm and the Dragon

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EP.126|The Bookworm and the Dragon

CJ and Ben stood back to back, surrounded by the weird combinations of animals. “You just had to burst through the ceiling didn’t you CJ?” Ben growled.

“Hehe, sorry.” CJ chuckled nervously. “CJ, if we die, I promise you, I will haunt your grave!” Ben threatened. “How is that gonna work if we're both dead?” CJ smirked.

“You’re lucky Carlos is an animalistic” Ben and CJ began fighting the animals, not to the point of kill but just to knock them out, “because if he wasn’t, I wouldn't’ve left long ago.”

“Oh Ben,” CJ sweeped her legs under one of the giraffe’s legs making his fall “you know you love me.”

“As a friend, yes” Ben kicked one of the hippos in the face “a friend and nothing more.” Ben transformed into a bear, a powerful roar knock out most of the enemies.

“Is it me or are they multiplying?” CJ asked. “Oh they are.” Ben replied.

“I got an idea, Ben, turn into an eagle.” CJ said as Ben nodded and turned into an eagle and the two began soaring above the enemies.

“Now this is gonna sound crazy but I need you to not breathe for a couple of seconds.” CJ said as her and Ben held their breath.

She took the top off of the pixie dust and began pouring it down on the enemies.

CJ then looked in front of her to see and arrow coming straight towards her head, but before she could move out of the way, the arrow hit her neck.

The last thing she saw was a very familiar, yet very scary, face.

“You’re mine now, CJ.”

Giles and Milton were in a nearby town, it was night time and the streets were light with lanterns and pretty lights.

Giles walked aimlessly around looking for any type of food to eat. He was starving, so was Milton but he stayed behind in the hotel room.

But it wasn’t just food he was starving for, it was love. Ever since Milton reminded her of Demonia, Giles kept remembering the beautiful times he had with Deomina.

Years ago, Milton, Giles, Courtly, Lucifer, and Swan were in Lucifer’s castle garden having a picnic.

Both Lucifer and Swan and Courtly and Milton have been dating for a while now. Giles was the only single one in the group. He was fine with it, he had his books, that’s all he needed.

Giles groaned loudly, the book covering his face. “What’s wrong with you, Bookworm?” Milton asked, resting his head on Courtly’s shoulder while she sat on his lap.

“It’s this manga! Jellal knows he’s in love with Erza and the two were about to kiss but what does Jellal do?! Freaking says he has a “fiancee” knowing damn well he doesn't!” Giles ranted.

“Giles, you do know it’s just a book right?” Lucifer chuckled, laying down on Swan’s lap.

“Okay, 1) it’s not a book it’s a manga. And two) Jerza is one of my favorite ships. So shut the hell up Lucifer!” Giles yelled, the book still on his face.

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