EP.97|Brothers Not Matter What...Right? (Part 1)

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EP.97|Brothers Not Matter What...Right? (Part 1)

“You wanted to talk?” Hunter inquired, him, Operetta, and Zeref finally getting to Kianna’s hut to see the VK’s were already there, all sitting at the large round table.

“As you know, me and Lucifer are brothers.” Ben stated, the VK’s were always confused by this.

Ben and Lucifer were nothing alike, other than how they look very similar to the other.

Lucifer was from the four realms, the realm of the Demons in fact, while Ben was from the Hero Isles on Earth.

Ben had animalistic passion magi, while Lucifer had, well, it’s best we didn’t get into that just yet.

Ben chose the pacifist rode, sometimes that is, depending on the situation. While, Lucifer chose the rode of genocide.

The two were polar opposites, and yet, they’re somehow related?

“How?” Carlos questioned, asking the question the VK’s were dying to get an answer to.

See, everytime the VK’s asked how the two could ever be part of the same family, better yet brothers.

Ben would always respond; “His last name may be Beastly, but that doesn't mean I acknowledge him as a brother. Not after what he did to me and Sensi.”

The VK’s always wondered what Lucifer did to Ben, and who this “Sensi” was.

“Are you actually gonna tell us? Or give us the same answer you always give us?” CJ scoffed, she was getting tired of getting the same old answer.

“I’m gonna tell you. It’s best you know what Lucifer was like before he turned into the demon he is today.” Ben sighed, looking at his family crest pin on his jacket.

“But, Milton and Giles already told us what he was like.” Evie pointed out.

“Milton and Giles never went into Lucifer in the story, and if they did it was very vague, what I’m going to tell you is what happened after Swan died.”

“According to Milton, when Courtly teleported Milton, Giles, Lucifer, and herself out of the four realms they had to start the entire life cycle of their lives again on earth.” Ben started to explain.

“Wait, from fetus to new born to toddler to child to teen and adult?” Freddie asked as Ben nodded.

“And it doesn't stop there, see when they teleported to earth, my mother was already pregnant with me for about 1 month now, this is where the story begins.”

Belle and Adam sat in the doctor’s office, looking at the ultrasound.

“There’s the baby.” The doctor pointed to the small peanut shaped figure.

“Awe it’s so cute and tiny.” Adam gushed. “And there’s the other baby.” the doctor pointed to another small peanut shaped figure.

“Excuse me?” Belle questioned. “Your majesty, you’re having twins.”

“TWINS?!” the VK’s yelled. “Yes twins, me and Lucifer are twins. Fraternal that is.” Ben said, chuckling at the VK’s shock.

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